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Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, connected via video conference at the meeting of NATO defense ministers

Photo: Betty Ilovici / dpa

Murdered children, abducted mothers, tortured seniors: Hamas committed heinous crimes in its attack on Israel. The scale of the atrocities became apparent when Israeli forces regained control of the villages and kibbutzim that had initially been overrun.

Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant used his participation in the meeting of NATO defense ministers to show them the barbarism firsthand. According to diplomats, he showed footage documenting attacks on Israeli civilians, including children and even infants.

Participants spoke of "horrible" and "horrible" images that shocked even the defence ministers – who are probably used to images of the consequences of violence. In some passages, the footage was blurred to preserve the dignity of the victims, said someone who was present when the video was shown. Gallant himself also became emotional at times during his one-hour participation in the ministerial meeting.

"Israel is not alone," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said after the meeting with Gallant. He had already said on Wednesday that Israel had the right to defend itself. NATO assumes that the response to Hamas' attack will be adequate.

Germany's defense minister had promised Israel to provide two Heron TP combat drones. Israel has also asked for more equipment, according to Boris Pistorius. There are initial inquiries "for ammunition for ships," he said. To this end, they will exchange ideas with the Israelis. In addition, there is a request for extensive medical supplies. "We'll get that done quickly."

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz assured Israel of Germany's full support in the Bundestag on Thursday morning. "Our solidarity is not limited to words," he said in the Bundestag. He had asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "stay in close contact and inform us of any need for support." This applies, "for example, to the care of the wounded. But we will also immediately consider and grant other requests for support from Israel," Scholz said.
