Activists circulated on social media a video by Irish comedian Tag Hickey showing the sharp contrast between America's reaction to the Ukraine war versus its reaction to Israel's war on the Gaza Strip.

Tag embodied his idea in a situation that presents a Ukrainian man begging America when another man tries to break into his house, and Washington shows its readiness to provide him with the weapons and money he wants, showing deep solidarity and sympathy, and informing him that it will do what is necessary to repel that aggression.

On the other hand, a Palestinian man comes begging from someone who broke into his house, abandoned him and locked him up in it, and America tells him that his objection is a barbaric act that must be condemned, and the Palestinian wonders if it listened to him, and then the answer comes yes, we stand with the man who did all this to you, and we support him.

Ukraine V Palestine

— Tadhg (@TadhgHickey) October 11, 2023

The United States continues to provide military aid to Israel after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, which began by the Palestinian resistance last Saturday, while Washington has condemned the Ukrainian war since it began in 2022, stressing the need for Russia to withdraw from Ukrainian territory.