【During the same period】Zhang Anping, chairman of Taiwan Cement Group

We (scientific research) actually have two kilns now, one kiln in Taiwan and one kiln in the mainland, and we are also making an all-round improvement. One of them is very clear, carbon reduction is definitely the right thing, everyone says carbon reduction is a good business opportunity, it may be, but carbon reduction is definitely the right thing.

Recently, Zhang Anping, chairman of Taiwan Muddy Group, said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from China News Agency that rapid carbon emissions will have an extreme impact on human society. "And cement emits too much carbon, and companies have to take responsibility."

【During the same period】Zhang Anping, chairman of Taiwan Cement Group

The only way we have is to face it and then find a way to solve it. Of course, I hope I can do more to make this product more efficient and less emitting, so that this civilization can continue to develop.

【Commentary】Taiwan is the first stock listed enterprise in Taiwan, entered the mainland in 2003, and in the past 20 years, its business has expanded to 12 provinces and participated in the construction of major national projects. With the rapid development of the mainland's economy, Taiwan mud continues to grow, and its current production capacity ranks first in Taiwan, seventh in mainland China and twelfth in the world; In the ranking of non-state-owned enterprises in the "2022 Hurun China Top 500", it ranks first among the selected cement enterprises.

【Commentary】As the mainland enters a stage of high-quality development, ecological environmental protection has become an important part of economic development, and Zhang Anping deeply agrees with this.

【During the same period】Zhang Anping, chairman of Taiwan Cement Group

I think we do the right thing, and I hope that we can work together with our peers and the whole society to do the right thing and make the whole global society better.

In response to the mainland's 2060 carbon neutrality goal, Taiwan Cement has formulated a carbon reduction pathway, promising to reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 2025% in 2016 compared with 11, 2030% in 20, and carbon neutrality in 2050. Zhang Anping admits that this is quite challenging.

【During the same period】Zhang Anping, chairman of Taiwan Cement Group

My basic requirements (for Taiwan mud) are half of the emissions (standard values) in all localities, and half of the standards set by the government. This is scored all the time, there is data, and then all these data of our emissions are automatic, all come to my phone every day, and if it exceeds it, it will go directly to my phone.

Zhang Anping said that the technological research and development of Taiwan mud has never stopped, and through cooperation with scientific research institutions on both sides of the strait, there are many ways to achieve carbon reduction goals.

【During the same period】Zhang Anping, chairman of Taiwan Cement Group

The most important thing is how to reduce carbon several, one of course process carbon reduction, chemical action carbon reduction, and a longer use time of carbon reduction. [Some buildings] will tear it down in 20 or 30 years, which is very bad. In ancient times, buildings were like, I'm going to build this 500 years, 1000,<> years, and if we still have this mentality, we will naturally emit carbon emissions.

In mid-June, a building called the "Gongliang Building" was topped out in Hangzhou, which will become the operational headquarters of the Taiwan Nic Group in the mainland. Zhang Anping said that the cross-strait industries are highly complementary and can join hands to open up the international market.

【During the same period】Zhang Anping, chairman of Taiwan Cement Group

In fact, the complementarity between the two sides of the strait is quite high, and Taiwan's population of more than 2000 million is actually not large enough for its so-called economy, and it needs a market, but the mainland market certainly has enough. Of course, another saying is that we Chinese always know each other a little deeper, so it is easier to understand the Chinese market and come in.

【Commentary】Zhang Anping introduced that the "Gongliang Building" is inspired by the water sleeves of the Peking Opera costume loved by former chairman Gu Zhenfu (Zigongliang), which is also like a bridge, conveying the commemoration and concept inheritance of Gu Lao, hoping to connect China and foreign countries and cross the strait.

【During the same period】Zhang Anping, chairman of Taiwan Cement Group

The concept of the design of the building is "bridge", I think this is a bridge between ancient and modern China and abroad, and on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, which is the main design concept of "Gongliang Building". The old gentleman always talks about communication between people and causing peace in the world, and then this is important, and he always goes in this direction. He once said that nothing is more important than the peace of more than a billion people. I think that when we reach this generation, we should also bear some things, what I am doing now is to do the things that we undertake, and there is nothing, that is, follow our predecessors, follow Mr. Gu all the way down.

Reporting by reporters Lu Mei Rang Baokui and Li Shuoxing from Beijing

Responsible Editor: [Li Ji]