The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) confirmed that there are several reasons that led to the casualties among Israeli civilians during the operation "Al-Aqsa Flood" launched by the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the movement's military wing last Saturday against the Israeli occupation.

According to a statement made by Saleh al-Aruri, deputy head of Hamas' political bureau, to Al Jazeera, about 1200,<> Qassam fighters stormed the "Gaza Division" on the morning of the first day of the battle, and their attack on it ended with the rapid collapse of the division responsible for the aggression on the Gaza Strip and the implementation of the siege, assassinations and restrictions on the Palestinians.

As a result of this rapid collapse, Gaza's borders with the settlements of its cover became open, which encouraged a number of Gazans and some militants to storm the settlements, and this ended - according to the movement - in a state of chaos in which Israeli civilians fell and others were captured, but not at the hands of Qassam fighters, as Hamas reiterates.

But the group also points to other causes of civilian casualties, including that the occupation forces not only failed to protect themselves or their civilians, but also implemented what Hamas described as Hannibal's plan, which allows the Israeli army to kill prisoners with their captors.

The third cause of civilian casualties, according to Hamas, was the clashes that took place between the Qassam Brigades and the guards of some settlements during their incursion.

In return for the movement's affirmation of the discipline of its members and their commitment to international laws related to war, Hamas accuses the occupation forces of bombing everything that can be bombed in Gaza, including homes, mosques and hospitals.