It seems that the Israeli propaganda to distort the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) has not yet emptied what it has in store, as every day it submits a new allegation that later proves to be false, after it has implicated Western countries and personalities forcing it to apologize and retract its statements.

The White House retracted statements by US President Joe Biden in which he expressed - during his meeting with Jewish community leaders at the White House - that he did not think he would "see pictures of terrorists beheading children."

The Washington Post later quoted a White House spokesman as saying that "neither President Biden nor any U.S. official has seen any photos or independently verified reports on this."

"ISIS Hamas"

After the truth about "children and beheadings" was revealed, Israeli propaganda moved to a new claim, but this time to frighten the West, provoke it even more and tickle the feelings of the world, namely the "Hamas Dashna", a reference to the Islamic State.

#صورة of the flag of the Islamic State #داعش terrorist organization, which was discovered among the equipment of the #دواعش_حماس who infiltrated Kibbutz Suva in the Gaza Strip. It's a shame. Islam is innocent of you #السيوف_الحديدية

— Avichai Edrei (@AvichayAdraee) October 12, 2023

From the heart of the massacre committed by #دواعش_حماس in #غلاف_غزة, I send a message to every jealous and humane-loving Muslim, say: These ISIS militants do not represent Islam#السيوف_الحديدية

— Avichai Edrei (@AvichayAdraee) October 12, 2023

IDF spokesman Avichai Adraee allied with Israel Today to offer a hearty meal to the Western world entitled "ISIS Hamas."

Adraee tweeted on his official X account (formerly Twitter) a picture of "the flag of the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization that was exposed among the equipment of Hamas ISIS who infiltrated Kibbutz Sofa in the Gaza envelope," saying, "Islam is innocent of you."

He then followed it with a tweet that included a video claiming that "from the heart of the massacre committed by Hamas ISIS in the Gaza envelope, I send a message to every jealous and humane-loving Muslim, say: These ISIS militants do not represent Islam."

The Israeli newspaper, which is close to the military and the security establishment, went on to describe the Hollywood scenario that "the Israeli authorities believe that the terrorists, who killed a number of kibbutz residents, planned to raise the ISIS flag, but the counterterrorism forces eliminated them before they could carry out their plan."

"The ISIS flag was discovered on the bodies of terrorists in Kibbutz (Sufa) following the attack," she said.

The same newspaper quoted the commander of the "Gaza 99" Brigade, Colonel Barak Hiram, earlier yesterday, that there were "atrocities witnessed by one of the kibbutzim, and during the search operations we found people who were tied up and shot and wounded children, and babies in strollers. There was no mercy."

In his statement, the Israeli colonel did not mention the "beheaded" children, who numbered 40, according to the occupation.

But where did this number and this narrative that the American president fell into the trap come from?

After a long search and tracing the source of the novel, the French newspaper "Liberation" was able to reach the origin of the information, as it is for the correspondent of the Israeli channel "i24" in several languages, including Arabic, English and French.

On Tuesday, the channel tweeted on its verified account on the "X" platform in its French version with a few words, "40 children found killed," and attached the tweet to a video.

'About 40 babies were taken out on gurneys... Cribs overturned, strollers left behind, doors left wide open'

Our correspondent @Nicole_Zedek continues to survey the horror scenes left behind in Kibbutz Kfar Aza where Hamas invaded and murdered dozens of Israelis in their homes

— i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) October 10, 2023

Minutes later, the English version came out with a detailed story: "About 40 children were carried on stretchers to hospitals and beds flipped over, strollers were left behind, and doors were left wide open."

"They chopped heads of children and women," says David Ben Zion, Deputy Commandee of Unit 71 to our @Nicole_Zedek, while reporting from the massacre in Kfar Aza in southern Israel

— i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) October 10, 2023

The channel's correspondent was "moved" to speak in English about what she called "horror scenes in Kibbutz (Kfar Azza) where Hamas attacked and killed dozens of Israelis in their homes."

When asked about this figure and whether it actually related to 40 dead children, the reporter confirmed that "this is what one of the military commanders told me," and that the total number of deaths has not yet been determined.

#Israel showed the world bodies of 40 beheaded Israeli babies found in Israeli kibbutzs after a massacre by #Hamas terrorists there.

Israel brought Western journalists to a site with the bodies of beheaded Jewish children. Listen to what a journalist from the scene says about...

— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) October 10, 2023

Then came out with another message confirming that "one of the commanders announced the death of about 40 children, some of whom were beheaded, and said that he had never seen such atrocities before."

This information spreads like wildfire and is widespread across social media, and sometimes through the media. The Nexta account (more than a million followers) on X confirmed that "Israel showed the press the bodies of 40 decapitated children found in a kibbutzim."

Soldiers told me they believe 40 babies/children were killed. The exact death toll is still unknown as the military continues to go house to house and find more Israeli casualties.

— Nicole Zedeck (@Nicole_Zedek) October 10, 2023

Everyone heard and no one saw

It is true that the Israeli army allowed foreign journalists to enter Kibbutz Kafr Azza, less than a kilometer from the Gaza Strip, but none of them saw the "bodies of the forty children."

Major Itay Firov told reporters that "families had been beheaded", but that information did not appear in any news, video or photo, although Reuters was present at the tour.

Only an i24 reporter in French claimed to have been able to speak to "a reservist, a French-speaking doctor who lives near Tel Aviv, and told him that from the first hours of his presence there, they counted at least 40 children executed and their entrails removed, including infants."

#FLASH L'armée israélienne indique à Anadolu ne pas disposer d'informations confirmant les allégations de décapitation de bébés par le Hamas

— Anadolu Français (@aa_french) October 10, 2023

But how does i24 have information that did not reach any journalists on the tour with the IDF?

Israeli journalist Miel Benuliel explains that he did not see "children killed or beheaded, and everything we heard quoted testimonies from soldiers."

An IDF spokesperson told CNN that he could not "confirm the widely reported beheadings."

Major and spokesman for the Israeli occupation army, Nir Dinar, claimed that "its soldiers found the decapitated bodies of children in Kfar Azza".

When a reporter for Business Insider asked him, did you confirm the information? He retracted his assertions, saying he "didn't see any photos or videos himself, but the soldiers on the ground told me so."

In turn, Anadolu Agency reported on its French-language account on the "X" platform that "the Israeli army told it that it has no information to confirm that Hamas beheaded children."

Samuel Faury, a journalist for the French newspapers Le Monde and Le Soir, said he was "unable to verify the beheadings of children".

"I was in Kfar Azza yesterday, and no one told me about the beheadings, not even about the beheaded children, not even about 40 beheaded children," Fawry said.

An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokeswoman confirmed that "the ministry is not in a position at this stage to confirm the death of 40 children."

After Liberation and the international press, the "final blow" to the fabricated narratives came from a blogger named "Al-Mu'tasim Billah", who explained in a series of tweets what he called the "hypocrisy and inversion of facts" carried out by the Western media, and how "public awareness of lies and hypocrisy" is formed.

Thread No. 2
This thread is addressed to all non-Arab Twitter users , in this thread I will explain the hypocrisy and overturning the facts that the international media is doing and how public awareness of lies and hypocrisy is being formed

— Al-Mu'tasim Billah 𓋔 (@MoatAwesome_) October 11, 2023

In each tweet, he tried to refute a "lie or claim":

  • The use of images by celebrities of Gaza with the slogan "Pray or support Israel."
  • Using images of the suffering of Palestinians as Israelis.
  • Presenting the resisters as mercilessly murderers and torturing and killing prisoners.
  • While the Western media claims that Palestinian resistance fighters rape women and kill children, and that a woman and her two children were released yesterday, videos have spread about the resisters humanely treating Israeli families.
  • The big lie about killing 40 children and beheading them has been proven to be fabricated, while Israel has killed more than 3,2000 children since <>.
  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's account boasts of posting a video on his social media account of an Israeli plane bombing a house.