French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has decided to ban demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people across the country, but this has not stopped marches in Paris and other cities to denounce the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, which have caused thousands of deaths and injuries in a week.

Darmanan on Thursday instructed local authorities to ban pro-Palestinian demonstrations in a statement posted on the French interior ministry's website.

The French minister justified the ban on the grounds that such demonstrations would lead to "disturbing public order" in France.

Despite the announced ban, hundreds demonstrated yesterday in the Place de la République in Paris to denounce the ongoing Israeli bombardment of Gaza.

Protesters chanted slogans including "Israel is a murderer" and "Macron is complicit", referring to the French president's statements in support of the large-scale Israeli offensive on Gaza following the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation launched by the Palestinian resistance last Saturday.

Protesters also held banners reading "Israel is a criminal," waved Palestinian flags, and French security forces used tear gas and water cannon to disperse demonstrators.

Demonstrations also took place yesterday in other French cities, including Lyon and Marseille, in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and police reportedly used tear gas to disperse demonstrators.

French President Emmanuel Macron declared his support for Israel and called on it to have a "strong and fair response" to the Al-Aqsa flood, urging the French to remain united and refrain from any moves that could provoke unrest in France against the backdrop of the current confrontation between Israel and the Palestinian resistance.

In addition to banning demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people, French authorities have tightened security around hundreds of sites, including schools and synagogues.