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Last Generation: The photo shows an action of the climate activists on October 6 at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin

Photo: Paul Zinken / picture alliance / dpa

In Berlin, climate activists have once again disrupted traffic. On Thursday morning, supporters of the Last Generation erected concrete blocks in front of the Federal Ministry of Finance and spread paint on the city highway. Car traffic was also blocked at the Spandau S-Bahn station, a police spokeswoman said.

The police were deployed at all three blockades with over 200 forces. In the morning, the roads were clear again. In addition, activists had set up concrete blocks at the corner of Wilhelmstrasse and Leipziger Strasse at the Federal Ministry of Finance, the police said. According to its own statements, the group Debt for Climate is behind this action.

In a press release in the morning, the Last Generation wrote of a blockade with two cars and several activists on the A100 near Kurfürstendamm. The activists had also spread the colors of the Dutch flag red, white and blue over a large area of the road. The background is a series of protests in the Netherlands, with which activists have achieved an end to the subsidies of fossil fuels by the Dutch government.
