The Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative, Mustafa Barghouti, launched a fierce attack on an Israeli researcher hosted by Al-Jazeera, calling for the displacement of residents of the Gaza Strip to the Egyptian Sinai, warning of a plan by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu to repeat the 1948 Nakba.

Barghouti described – in a statement to Al Jazeera – a researcher on Middle East affairs at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Mordechai Kedar as "fascist and decadent," and wants to practice ethnic cleansing on two million and 300 thousand people of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and deported to Egypt, in an effort to repeat the Nakba of 1948, saying that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu will also work to deport West Bank residents to Jordan.

From Barghouti's point of view, Kedar's statements fall within the logic of Netanyahu's government, which he described as fascism, which now uses many countries that he said instead of standing by international law, it stands on the side of Israeli oppression and criminality.

He warned of what he said that they are 4 dangerous operations carried out by the occupation in the Gaza Strip, namely: the attempt to dehumanize and demonize the Palestinian people, "an act shared by Israel and other international parties," and the "terrible, deadly and criminal" siege on Gaza, in parallel with the barbaric bombardment, in addition to the occupation's resort to cutting off water, electricity and food from the population, stressing that children will die due to power cuts, as well as kidney patients due to their lack of treatment.

In the next stage, Barghouti adds, Israel is trying to reach its plan for ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, a plan aimed at repeating the 1948 Nakba, warning that ethnic cleansing will be today in Gaza and tomorrow will be against the Palestinian people in the West Bank, which Netanyahu meant by saying, "It will change the map of the Middle East for the next fifty years."

The Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative said that the Israelis openly call for ethnic cleansing against the entire Palestinian people, accusing the United States of America of participating in Israel's participation in calling for ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians, calling on the countries of the world to assume their responsibility for what Israel plans against the Palestinians, and for the collective punishment it practices against them.

Controversy and accusations

Israeli researcher Mordechai Kedar had entered into an argument with his interlocutor, Al Jazeera journalist Mohammed Krishan, about the official Israeli version of what happened in the battle of "Al-Aqsa Flood", where he echoed his government's accusations against the Izz al-Din al-Qasim Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), over allegations that it killed Israeli children.

Krishan responded by saying that there was no evidence that the Qassam Brigades killed children, as Israel claims, and that there were photographs and visuals showing children killed by the Israeli army.

The Israeli researcher wondered why Egypt – which he said is an Arab and Islamic country – refused to open its borders to the residents of the Gaza Strip, as Jordan, Turkey and others do with refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, claiming that Egypt is supposed to receive the residents of the Gaza Strip for a temporary period, so that Israeli forces can eliminate Palestinian resistance, as he claimed.

He said Israel had asked Gazans to flee to Egypt, but Hamas demanded that they stay and use them as human shields, the Israeli spokesman claimed.