Al-Rimal neighborhood is one of the most important and vital neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip, as it includes many headquarters for local and international institutions, in addition to being an important commercial center for the people of the Gaza Strip, as it is located along the coastline, and the main Omar Al-Mukhtar Street in Gaza cuts the Rimal neighborhood from north to south.

Its construction dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century, and its area is about 5,<> dunums, according to the Gaza municipality, and it was customary for the people of Gaza to resort to it during previous attacks on the Strip.

But apparently, al-Rimal neighborhood has now become a major targeting point by the Israeli occupation aircraft, as the Israeli army announced the targeting of Khan Yunis and the Rimal neighborhood with more than 200 raids.

After a night of Israeli shelling on the Gaza Strip, videos began to circulate in the morning to show piles of rubble and debris left behind by the shelling on the neighborhood, destroying all homes, shops, universities and civilian headquarters that provided services to the residents of the neighborhood, which was considered one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in Gaza City.

The residents of the neighborhood were forced to seek temporary shelter to protect their families as Israeli shelling and raids on Gaza continued for the sixth consecutive day, which began hours after the start of the Al-Aqsa flood operation.

"Who would have believed that the sand neighborhood has become rubble"? Wael Al-Dahdouh, correspondent of Al-#الجزيرة channel in the #غزة sector, expresses his shock at the widespread destruction in Al-Rimal neighborhood in the center of Gaza City#Operation_Al-Aqsa_Flood

— Al Jazeera (@AJArabic) October 10, 2023

The targeting of the neighborhood raised many questions about the type of military targets in it, for example, the Islamic University was heavily bombed, and Israeli army spokesman Avichai Adraee published a video of a raid on the university.

In turn, the university administration commented on the targeting of the university building by saying that the building of the Faculty of Information Technology, the building of the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education, and the building of the Faculty of Science at the university were severely damaged with all its equipment, laboratories and furniture, in addition to breaking most of the glass and facades of the mosque buildings.

#فيديو IDF destroys Islamic University in Gaza City, which serves as the main training center for Hamas engineers

The Islamic University, which was supposed to work to consolidate science and progress in Gaza, became under the rule of Hamas into an important center of political and military power in the terrorist organization and works to rehabilitate and train...

— Avichai Edrei (@AvichayAdraee) October 11, 2023

On the opposite side of the university is the regional headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and the Palestinian Telecommunications Company, which was also bombed, causing communications and internet to be cut off from large parts of the Gaza Strip, and the bombing also affected the Red Cross building in the neighborhood, and even mosques were not spared from the bombing, as the Abbas Mosque was targeted, which led to its almost complete destruction.

Al-Rimal neighborhood in the Gaza Strip (Al-Jazeera)

The scenes of destruction in the Rimal neighborhood provoked a lot of interactions on Palestinian and Arab social media platforms, so how were the comments of the audience of social media platforms on the videos?

Al-Rimal neighborhood, one of the most beautiful and prestigious neighborhoods in Gaza, has been reduced to rubble, a neighborhood complete with all its buildings, sources of livelihood and memories wiped out.

— L A I T H (@Laith_ziod) October 10, 2023

Al-Rimal neighborhood. The center of Gaza
City is a total genocide that this small, beautiful and sad
city is exposed to. We have no one but you, O God

— Khaled Safi #فلسطين 🇵🇸 (@KhaledSafi) October 11, 2023

We saw this destruction in Homs, Aleppo and Daraya as if the Syrian regime supplied the Israelis with barrel bombs

— Omar Aldief (@AldiefO) October 11, 2023

But the Israeli military appears to continue to completely change the city: On Wednesday, the Israeli military said dozens of its planes had attacked more than 450 targets in the northern Gaza Strip's al-Furqan and Karama neighborhoods.

In turn, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced today a list of 1354,6049 martyrs and about 1300,<> wounded, at a time when the Israeli death toll at the hands of the Palestinian resistance rose to <>,<>.