As the fighting between Israel and the Islamic organization Hamas continues, four NGOs Japan involved in assistance activities in Palestine have jointly submitted a request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs calling for diplomatic efforts toward a ceasefire as soon as possible.

This was clarified on the 12th by representatives of NGOs such as JVC=Japan International Volunteer Center at an online press conference.

In a joint request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by four NGOs of Japan involved in assistance to Palestine, they said
that they would make diplomatic efforts for a ceasefire as soon as possible, such as urging them to join forces with the West, the United Nations, and Arab countries to embark on mediation.
It calls for both Israel and Hamas to press for a humanitarian ceasefire for immediate relief in the Gaza Strip of Palestine, saying that the blockade should not result in a situation where water and food supplies are cut off.

JVC Representative Director Takaki Imai, who attended the press conference, said, "Officials in Gaza and others have told us that they feel deeply isolated due to the continued airstrikes with no exits, the power outage Japan, and the Internet being cut off. I would like them to work more concretely."