To stop the wave of violence, he and the Sweden Democrats want the police to be able to detain people in a gang environment without a concrete suspicion of a crime.

Åkesson believes that in practice "there is already a suspicion". According to him, it can be people who are about to commit a crime or are key people in a crime plan. He draws parallels to the fact that it is now possible for the police to carry out secret wiretapping without a concrete suspicion of a crime.

"The police and other authorities have a pretty good idea of who the people are key people in these environments and roughly how they behave. In my world, it would be a pretty good tool for the police to pick a person to prevent crime, he says in SVT's 30 minutes.

"As long as the police judge that it is useful"

At present, Åkesson does not see a time limit for how long a person can be detained without suspicion of a crime.

"It can be as long as the police judge that it is useful," he says in the program.

In response to the question of whether this would not be contrary to the rule of law's principle of not locking anyone up without suspicion of a crime, Åkesson replies:

"I think it's far too narrow today when you can detain someone or not.

Watch the full 30 minutes with Jimmie Åkesson here.