Mahdi al-Mashat, head of the Houthi-affiliated Supreme Political Council, met with the Omani delegation visiting Sana'a with the Houthi Ansar Allah negotiating delegation.

Al-Mashat reiterated his thanks for the Sultanate of Oman's continuous efforts to bring peace to Yemen, stressing that "peace was and remains our first choice."

He pointed out that in response to Oman's mediation, the national delegation accompanied by the Omani delegation will travel to Riyadh to complete consultations with the Saudi side.

Ali al-Qahoum, a member of the political bureau of the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group, said the Omani delegation will leave Sanaa on Wednesday with the national delegation on an Omani plane to Saudi Arabia to complete previous meetings between the two parties.

Al-Qahoum said – via the X platform (formerly Twitter) – that the visit comes to complement the meetings that took place in Muscat more than once with the Saudi delegation and before it in Sana'a for two previous periods, as well as the visit of the Saudi delegation during the month of last Ramadan, which was an announced visit.

The Houthi official noted that "optimism remains" about the success of the mediation and Omani efforts to achieve peace in Yemen. The Omani mediator delegation arrived in Sanaa on Tuesday, accompanied by a member of the national delegation concerned with negotiating with Saudi Arabia.

This is the first public visit by a Houthi delegation to Saudi Arabia since the start of the war in Yemen in 2015, and comes about five months after a Saudi delegation visited Sanaa.

Al-Qahoum pointed out that the topics to be discussed in Riyadh with Omani efforts and mediation will focus on "humanitarian files", foremost of which is the payment of salaries of employees of the Houthi government, which is not internationally recognized by the Yemeni authority, in addition to the launch of new destinations from Sanaa airport, which remained closed for years before the coalition last year allowed the opening of its airspace for planes to Jordan and Egypt.

It will also discuss the files of "prisoners and detainees, the exit of foreign forces and reconstruction", adding that the aim of the visit is to hold a round of negotiations and reach "a final agreement on the details of the humanitarian and economic files".

Oman plays the role of mediator in the war in Yemen, and the visit of the Sultanate's delegation with the Houthi negotiating delegation comes days after the visit of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to Oman, where Houthi officials are staying, including the group's official spokesman, Mohammed Abdul Salam.