It was after several people were infected by the bacterium Mycobacterium marinum in the pools in Ramdalen's sports center that the decision was made that the water should be changed from seawater to tap water.

The bathhouse was thus closed in February and the plan was to keep it closed for about six weeks, but when the large pool was emptied, the tiled floor came off. This meant that an already planned renovation had to be brought forward.

Now, about seven months later, the bathhouse has reopened.

Unclear future

But the bathhouse, despite renovation, is only expected to last a few more years – until 2032. Renovating again is not an option, according to Dag Bergentoft (M), chairman of the municipal executive board.

"It's probably the last time there," he says.

But whether there will be a new bathhouse after the one in Oxelösund is still unclear.

Cost several million

The latest renovation, as well as water replacement, cost almost four million SEK to complete. According to Dag Bergentoft, the second alternative to renovation was to start planning to build a new bathhouse now.

"It would then mean that we would close this bathhouse and then it would take quite a long time to plan for this.

Hear more about how Dag Bergentoft (M) thinks about a new swimming pool in the video and if it is possible for the municipality to collaborate with Nyköping.