Moscow, 9 Sep (ZXS) -- On 14 September, the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the US ambassador to Russia and handed over a note declaring two diplomats of the US Embassy in Russia persona non grata persona non grata and demanding that they leave China within seven days.

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the same day, saying that the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned US Ambassador to Russia Lynne Tracy on the same day and handed him a note. The Russian side pointed out that the behavior of the first secretary of the US embassy, Jeffrey Schilling, and the second secretary David Bernstein was inconsistent with the status of diplomats, declared the two US diplomats "persona non grata" and asked them to leave the country within seven days.

The statement said that the two US diplomats engaged in illegal activities in Russia and maintained contact with Russian citizen Robert Shonov. The latter have been accused of secretly cooperating with foreign countries on missions that undermine Russia's national security in order to receive material rewards.

The statement said that the illegal activities of US diplomatic representatives in Russia, including interference in the internal affairs of the host country, are unacceptable and will be resolutely stopped. The Russian side hopes that Washington will draw correct conclusions and avoid taking countermeasures.

The Russian Federal Security Service announced on August 8 that it stopped the illegal activities of "informants" of the US Embassy in Russia, former employees of the US Consulate General in Vladivostok, and Russian citizen Shonov. According to the source, from September 28 until his arrest, the person executed the US Embassy in Russia Political Section staff member Jeffrey Smith in order to receive material remuneration. Cillin and David? Bernstein's directive collects information on Russia's special military operation against Ukraine, the mobilization of various regions of Russia, Russia's internal problems, and the impact assessment of popular protests before the 2022 Russian presidential election. (End)