The leader of the PP of Catalonia, Alejandro Fernández, continues to pose a pulse to the leadership of his party. After frontally opposing opening any type of negotiations or conversations with Junts to address the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Fernández has declared himself "a free man without tutelage" and has warned that he will continue to give his "opinion" because, he has maintained, "the greatest service to your country and your party, in that order, is to always give it."

"I believe in respect and cordiality with adversaries, but the response we must give to the challenge that lies ahead is different. Any hesitation, lurch or ambiguity would be taken advantage of by our adversaries, "said Fernández to delve into the position expressed weeks ago. "No complex or demoscopic calculation should make us change our mind about separatism," he remarked.

Fernández has said to "support" without fissures the "reaction" that Feijóo has raised to oppose the approval of an amnesty law that annuls the penalties and judicial processes opened against the Catalan separatists. The leader of the Catalan PP has confirmed that he will participate in the event convened by his party in Madrid for next September 24, but has confessed to feeling "concerned about the project to give a solid and not circumstantial response" to the new separatist challenge that he predicts.

"We cannot go to fits and starts like in 2017. Let's not get confused again. I do not know a single constitutionalist who reproaches us for lack of empathy with separatism; with Junts or ERC. Rather, they reproach us for feeling abandoned. We will only continue to grow at the moment in which people feel protected", said Fernández in a conference that was attended by representatives of the main Catalan constitutionalist entities, such as Catalan Civil Society, S'ha Acabat!, Assembly for a Bilingual School or Citizen Impulse, among others, but in which he also highlighted the absence of the main leaders of the Catalan PP, that is, the MEP Dolors Montserrat, the leader of the party in Barcelona, Daniel Sirera, the mayor of Badalona, Xavier García Albiol, the mayor of Castelldefels, Manu Reyes, or the one who was the head of the party list for Barcelona in the last general elections, Nacho Martín Blanco.

"When I refused to go to Congress I knew I would pay an external and internal price," admitted the president of the Catalan PP, referring to his refusal to leave for Madrid when, during the preparation of the lists of the generals, this was offered by Feijóo. "But I knew that here in Catalonia serious things were going to happen and that a strong voice was more necessary than ever in the Parliament," he has already completed in a tone of undisguised order.

"And on top of that we have to keep quiet because we twitch," Fernandez snapped. "We are not going to be silent," he exclaimed, to demand later "not to give more perks to the Catalan nationalist bourgeoisie."

"We are not the PSC, we cannot and do not want to be like the PSC," stressed the leader of the Catalan PP, who has proposed a "strengthening of the State in Catalonia" as a recipe to counteract "the Catalan process, which has already become the Spanish process."