Astana, 9 Sep (ZXS) -- News from Dushanbe: On 14 September local time, the Fifth Consultative Meeting of Leaders of Central Asian Countries was held in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan. According to the agenda of the meeting, the parties communicated on issues such as expanding regional cooperation, developing political dialogue, and strengthening cultural and humanitarian exchanges. After the meeting, all parties signed a joint statement.

In his speech, President Rahmon of Tajikistan pointed out that the international community is increasingly interested in cooperation in the region, and the Central Asian countries must become more united and adopt a more positive attitude towards regional integration. To this end, Rahmon called on all parties to jointly formulate a coordinated development plan for Central Asia in accordance with their national conditions.

Kazakh President Tokayev believes that Central Asia is facing new development opportunities in the fields of trade, investment, scientific and technological innovation, and the priority of all countries is to maximize the potential of regional economic development.

Tokayev pointed out that all parties should continue to promote mutual trade, expand exports, eliminate trade barriers and create favorable conditions for the opening of joint ventures. He particularly stressed the special role of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor and welcomed the participation of Central Asian countries in the development of the transport corridor project. According to him, the Kazakh side plans to enhance the connectivity of transport corridors by introducing digital solutions, improving modern infrastructure, and continuously improving transit transport conditions.

President Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan spoke highly of the efforts made by countries in the region to strengthen mutual trust. In his statement, he noted that stability in the Central Asian region was being strengthened and, given the impact of world instability on regional sustainable development, he believed that deepening partnerships could enhance the capacity of all parties to respond effectively to threats.

Kyrgyz President Zaparov said that deepening economic and trade ties, optimizing the rational use of water resources, jointly responding to regional security challenges, and expanding cultural and humanitarian exchanges are priority areas of cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Central Asian countries. He said that enhancing mutual interaction is the basis for ensuring regional security, stability, peaceful development and prosperity. (End)