New York, 9 Sep (ZXS) -- The Chinese Consulate General in New York held a reception in New York on the evening of 14 September local time to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, attended by nearly 74 representatives of political, commercial, academic media, and other circles.

Huang Ping, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in New York, said in his speech that over the past 74 years, the land of China has undergone earth-shaking changes, creating two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability rarely seen in the world. This year marks the 45th anniversary of reform and opening up. Reform and opening up has not only profoundly changed China, but also profoundly affected the world. At present, China has entered a new era. At a new starting point, China will continue to provide new opportunities for all countries with high-quality development and high-level opening-up, and inject valuable confidence and strength into a chaotic world.

On September 9, local time, the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in New York held a reception to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in New York, attended by nearly 74 representatives from politics, business, academia and media in the consular district. The picture shows Huang Ping, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in New York, delivering a speech. Photo by China News Agency reporter Wang Fan

Huang Ping pointed out that since the beginning of this year, China's economy has maintained a good trend of recovery, and GDP in the first half of the year increased by 5.5% year-on-year, faster than last year's 3% economic growth rate and faster than the world's major developed economies. Despite the complicated political and economic situation in the world, China's economy has continued to recover and high-quality development has been solidly promoted. The fundamentals of China's long-term economic improvement have not changed.

Huang Ping said that next year will mark the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. In the face of the new situation and new challenges in China-US relations, we need to strengthen our confidence and believe that China-US relations will improve; We need to be patient and clear up disruptions to the stability of relations between the two countries; We need to work together to get people of insight from all walks of life to act. I hope that you will be a link of friendship and cooperation between China and the United States, speak out for an objective understanding of China's development and Sino-US relations, contribute to strengthening friendly exchanges and expanding exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, and jointly promote China-US relations to return to the right track and move forward steadily.

Former US Deputy Secretary of State Hormats, former Assistant Secretary of State Russell, Chairman of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations Orlens and Vice President Bai Lijuan, former President of the World Bank Jim Yong Kim, US National Council on Foreign Policy Chairman Elliott, and Fan Xiaojiang, Adviser on Asian American Affairs to the New York Governor's Office, delivered speeches respectively.

Hormats said that the current US-China relationship is facing difficulties, and the two countries need to maintain frank dialogue, gradually build trust, and continue to make efforts. He himself will continue to make efforts for the stable development of US-China relations. Russell said the world today cannot afford to stop cooperation between the United States and China. The world expects these two major powers to overcome their differences, join hands and jointly meet the challenges.

Speaking in both Chinese and English, Orlens said that there are difficulties in the U.S.-China relationship, and there are also signs of improvement. He quoted Chairman Mao Zedong's exposition that "our comrades should see achievements, see the light, and enhance our courage in difficult times" and called for joint efforts to improve US-China relations.

In the evening, Dai Bing, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, Latif, President of the American Foreign Policy Association, Edelman, former US Ambassador to Singapore, Atassa, Consul General of Chile in New York, Atozai, Consul General of Pakistan in New York, Akira Endo, Deputy Consul General of Japan in New York, Kim Sterling, President and CEO of the New York Philharmonic, and He Meizhi, Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in New York, also attended the reception.

On September 9, local time, the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in New York held a reception to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in New York, attended by nearly 74 representatives from politics, business, academia and media in the consular district. The picture shows the audience watching the classical dance "Book Jane Dance". Photo by China News Agency reporter Wang Fan

At the reception, cultural performances such as the classical dance "Shujian Dance", the traditional Uyghur folk song "Send Me a Rose" played by pipa, the bel canto "Moon River" accompanied by piano, and sumptuous Chinese cuisine were welcomed. (End)