The Iranian Foreign Ministry described the decision of France, Britain, Germany and the European Union not to implement their commitments to the nuclear agreement after 8 years of its signing, as an illegal measure and contrary to their obligations under the agreement and UN Resolution 2231.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry added, in a statement, that the decision of the European Community not to fulfill its obligations in response to Iran's nuclear steps is completely devoid of any legal logic, stressing that it will respond appropriately and within the framework of its rights to this provocative and illegal act of European countries.

The Iranian statement came after London, Paris and Berlin announced that they would maintain their sanctions on Iran beyond the October 18 date stipulated in the 2015 agreement on Tehran's nuclear program, while reaffirming their commitment to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

The Foreign Office said in a statement that the United Kingdom committed today to include in British law UN sanctions on Iran, which should be lifted next month.

The JCPOA, the official name for the 2015 nuclear deal, states that "a series of sanctions by the United Nations, the European Union, and the United Kingdom should be lifted on October 18, targeting in particular individuals and entities involved in Iran's missile program and its nuclear weapons and other weapons program."

German statement

In a joint statement issued by the German Foreign Ministry, the three countries stressed that they remained "determined to find a diplomatic solution."

She stressed that the decision announced on Thursday "does not mean the imposition of additional sanctions," stressing that "we are ready to reverse our decision if Iran fully fulfills the commitments it announced under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action."

The British Foreign Office added that the decision came "in response to Iran's continued failure to fulfill its obligations under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and the ongoing nuclear escalation," noting that "the United Kingdom, France and Germany confirmed today that EU and UK sanctions will be maintained."

For his part, the European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, said on Thursday that Germany, France and Britain want to maintain the sanctions currently imposed on Iran over its nuclear program, given that it does not comply with the terms of the nuclear deal.

The 2015 deal aims to curb Iran's nuclear activities in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions.