The Russian presidential office said that President Putin was invited to North Korea at his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and accepted it.

Peskov, a spokesman for the Russian presidential office, revealed on the 14th that President Putin was invited to North Korea for his summit meeting with North Korean General Secretary Kim Jong-un on the 13th.

Peskov then said, "President Putin accepted the invitation with gratitude," and that coordination will continue through diplomatic channels.

The Russian side has announced that Foreign Minister Lavrov will visit North Korea in October for a foreign ministers' meeting, and it is expected that they will discuss a visit between the leaders, but it is unclear whether President Putin will actually visit North Korea.

On the other hand, Peskov, a spokesman for the presidential office, announced on the 14th that President Putin will meet with President Lukashenko of Belarus, with whom he has an ally, in Sochi in southern Russia on the 15th.

Prior to this, the Belarusian presidential office also announced a summit meeting with President Putin to exchange views on regional and international affairs.

The talks are expected to discuss the situation surrounding Ukraine, where Russian forces continue to invade and how the West continues to respond to economic sanctions, and President Putin has made it clear that he will strengthen relations with countries that are at odds with the West, such as North Korea and Belarus.