In total, about SEK 20 billion is missing throughout the country. Region Västmanland also has high costs for temporary staff. The healthcare system has been ordered to save on what is possible, but this has not been enough and next year 100 services will be removed.

"Of course, we see a concern if our professional groups were to be reduced," says Ingrid Edman, who is department chair at Vårdförbundet Västmanland.

The region has known about the deficit since the spring and is working on trying to save. Hiring staff is a big expense and the region decided that they would be completely independent of it from September 1. It has managed to save 30 million but still expects to hire staff for about 270 million during the year.

– There is a long way to go, says regional councillor Lina Eriksson (L), but we have still broken the trend and it feels great that we are on the right track to continue the work And it will continue next year as well.

Start the clip to hear how the large deficit will affect healthcare.