Nicolás Redondo Terreros received the news of his expulsion from the PSOE while eating with José María Aznar. The former leader of the Basque Socialists was in the Madrid restaurant Alabaster with the former president of the Government and the Popular Party and with Joaquín Leguina, who was expelled from the PSOE last year.

It was during that meal when he received a telephone message confirming his expulsion from the PSOE, advanced by, according to sources familiar with the meeting.

During lunch, Aznar, very active during the last days in favor of the mobilization of civil society against the hypothetical amnesty of the crimes of the procés, proposed to Redondo Terreros and Leguina to attend the event organized by the PP on September 24.

Redondo told him that no, but that he could go to the Catalan Civil Society on October 8 in Barcelona, according to the same sources familiar with the content of the meal.

  • Articles Juanma Lamet