Mayalène Tremolet, edited by Philippe Folgado // Photo credit: Alessandro SERRANO / AFP 20:05 pm, September 14, 2023

More than 6,000 migrants have landed on the island of Lampedusa, Italy, in the last 48 hours. While the Italian Prime Minister had promised to put an end to mass immigration, this situation does not fail to make the French political class, from the government to the right-wing opposition, react.

The situation on the island of Lampedusa has not only provoked a reaction in Italy. In France, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin will convene a meeting on the Italian migration situation on Friday. In the opposition, especially on the right of the scale, there is criticism of a failing European migration policy and an abandonment of Italy in the face of the massive wave of migrants.

"We need military and civilian means to protect our borders"

Starting with Marion Maréchal. The head of the list for the European elections of Eric Zemmour's Reconquest party, is expected tonight on the island of Lampedusa. A trip to support "an Italian people abandoned by its neighbors". She is expected to stay there until Friday night. The president of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti, asks for "unprecedented military and civilian means to protect our borders".

>> READ ALSO - "It's the apocalypse": in Italy, 6,000 migrants landed on the island of Lampedusa in 48 hours

For her part, Marine Le Pen, very discreet for several weeks, spoke on X (formerly Twitter) to denounce a real migratory submersion. Statements that pursue two objectives: to highlight the failure of European migration policy, but also the immigration bill that is due to arrive in the Senate in a few weeks. This crisis will also be at the heart of Pope Francis' visit to Marseille next week. The sovereign pontiff goes to the Phocaean city to discuss the migratory situation with Emmanuel Macron.