Zhangzhou, September 9 (Zhongxin Net) -- "The mainland has continued to introduce and implement policies and measures to benefit Taiwan, promote the implementation of equal treatment for Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises, and make Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan businessmen work and live in Zhangzhou with a greater sense of belonging and gain." Lin Boyan, vice president of the National Association of Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprises and president of the Zhangzhou City Association of Taiwan Investment Enterprises, said that Taiwan businessmen have played a great role in promoting cross-strait integration and development, and hoped that Taiwan businessmen should publicize the mainland's good policies.

With regard to the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, on Supporting Fujian in Exploring a New Path for Cross-Strait Integrated Development and Building a Cross-Strait Integrated Development Demonstration Zone" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan compatriots living and starting businesses in Zhangzhou, Fujian, have paid close attention.

Zhangzhou is the main ancestral home of Taiwan compatriots, an important birthplace of southern Fujian culture and an intensive investment area for Taiwan businessmen. In recent years, Zhangzhou has given full play to its advantages over Taiwan to take the lead and try first, focusing on doing a good job in the articles of "communication, benefit, and love", taking the initiative to integrate into the construction of the cross-strait integrated development demonstration zone, exploring mechanism innovation and policy breakthroughs conducive to integration, and striving to build Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises to land in the "first home".

Lu Mengzhe, chairman of the board of supervisors of the Zhangzhou Association of Taiwanese Investment Enterprises and general manager of Yage Musical Instruments (Zhangzhou) Co., Ltd., believes that Zhangzhou's Taiwan-related judicial services are the first to be carried out and experimented, and constantly innovate mechanisms to provide convenient and fast judicial services for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan compatriots, and promote the integrated development of the two sides of the strait.

The "Opinions" put forward to optimize the business environment related to Taiwan, deepen industrial cooperation, promote the development of Taiwan's agriculture and fishery and small and medium-sized enterprises in Fujian, and strengthen cooperation in science and technology innovation. In this regard, Lu Jiefan, vice president of the Zhangzhou Taiwan Investment Enterprise Association and person in charge of the cross-strait entrepreneurship base of Zhangzhou Taiwan Investment Zone, said in an interview with reporters that this has brought favorable opportunities to the "gentian grouper seedlings" and other projects of the base's entrepreneurial Taiwan youth, and looks forward to the early implementation of relevant policies.

Chen Jian'an, a Taiwanese teacher who teaches at Minnan Normal University, is from Yilan and pays attention to the content of the "Opinions" on deepening people-to-people exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan, "After living and working in Zhangzhou for more than six years, I feel that Zhangzhou and Taiwan have common folk beliefs and cultural customs, and we should increase the dissemination of southern Fujian culture." ”

"Young people are the hope of the country and the nation, and we should increase the intensity of cross-strait youth exchanges, promote understanding and avoid misunderstandings, and at the same time encourage Taiwan youth to go to Fujian to study, find employment, start businesses, and intermarry, so as to truly take root." Choi Zhenxiong, a Taiwanese teacher who teaches at Zhangzhou Vocational and Technical College, suggested that exchanges and visits between colleges and universities on both sides of the strait should be encouraged, especially Taiwan teachers and students to visit Fujian to learn about southern Fujian culture, find roots and worship ancestors, study food, Hanfu, architectural aesthetics, sports, music, fine arts, etc., and identify with "one family on both sides of the strait". (End)