Washington, September 9 (ZXS) -- A document submitted to the court by U.S. federal prosecutor Wes of the Delaware state on the 14th local time shows that Hunter Biden, son of President Biden, was indicted for illegal gun possession.

Court documents show that Hunter Biden faces three counts related to buying a gun while abusing drugs, two of which are related to Hunter Biden's concealment of being a drug addict when he purchased a firearm in October 2018; Another charge was buying a firearm while using addictive drugs.

Under U.S. law, the crime carries a maximum of 10 years in prison.

In June, Hunter Biden reached a plea agreement with prosecutors on two tax evasion charges and reached a "pretrial referral agreement" on illegal gun possession charges. The "pretrial referral agreement" presupposes that Hunter Biden agrees to quit alcohol and stop substance abuse, in exchange for the prosecutor's agreement to suspend the criminal prosecution of Hunter Biden and erase his criminal record of illegal gun possession from his personal file.

But the agreement was not approved by Magistrate Noreka. Noreka argued that Hunter Biden's plea deal was "not direct enough and contained some uncommon provisions."

Regarding the plea agreement, Hunter Biden believes that the agreement is still valid. Prosecutors said the agreement had "collapsed" and that the "pretrial transfer agreement" never took effect due to improper procedures and lack of formal signatures.

On the 12th of this month, the speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, Republican McCarthy, announced that he would ask the relevant committees of the House of Representatives to open an impeachment investigation against President Biden. It is reported that the investigation will largely revolve around whether Hunter Biden's business practices are directly linked to President Biden. (End)