Rawa Majid, 37, aka "Kurdish Fox"

Born 1986. Leader of the Foxtrot network, which he controls remotely from Turkey. He is wanted internationally and detained in absentia for preparation for murder and serious drug offences. Sweden has tried, and failed to do, to have him extradited from Turkey.

Mikael Ahlström Tenezos, 25, aka "The Greek"

Born 1998. Leader of the Valley Network, He is detained in absentia for serious drug smuggling and money laundering offences. Since last spring, he has been wanted and is in Mexico, according to information to SVT.

Male 33 years, Foxtrot network

Part of the top tier of the Foxtrot network. It is a conflict between him and his former ally Rawa Majid that is suspected of being behind the latest wave of revenge actions that have affected relatives in Uppsala and Stockholm. He is detained in absentia on suspicion of extremely serious narcotics offences.

Man 36 years, former Bandidos president and the Bredäng network

Former Bandidos president who lost his post because he is in Turkey. Also connected to the Bredäng network. Sentenced to four years in prison for aiding and abetting attempted murder in 2010 after a shooting at several people in the Södertälje network.

Male 26 years, The Valley Network

Sentenced to two years and six months in prison for aiding and abetting the kidnapping of Einár and aiding and abetting robbery in the Encrochat case in 2021. Previously convicted of minor drug offences in several cases and aggravated theft. In 2017, he was convicted of aggravated assault.

Male 31 years, Mushroom 2.0

Ran the drug marketplace "Flugsvamp 2.0" on the darknet which, during the more than three active years, had a turnover of several hundred million SEK. He was sentenced in the Court of Appeal for, among other things, extremely serious narcotics offences and aggravated money laundering offences to imprisonment for 11 years and 8 months.

Male 36 years, Bredängsnätverket and Bandidos

Is identified as one of the most central leaders of the Bredäng network and also holds a high position within Bandidos. Stayed in Spain for a long period but left the country when he was wanted for extremely serious and serious drug offenses.

Male 27 years, Foxtrot network

Since 2011, he has been convicted of, among other things, drug offences, several assault offences, several robberies and attempted robberies as well as thefts, but also aggravated weapons offences, extortion and less serious kidnapping.

Man 51 years, Stockholm drug trafficking and money laundering

He has been detained since May 2021 for drug offences as part of the investigation into the World Exchange exchange office. In December 2022, he was detained in absentia in another case.

Man 33 years, drug smuggling and money laundering

Arrested in absentia for nine counts of extremely serious drug smuggling. He is also wanted and suspected of money laundering offences in connection with the World Exchange case. In October 2016, he was charged with, among other things, drug offenses but could not be obtained. Previously convicted of, among other things, drug offences, theft, vandalism and gross negligence in traffic.