The split among the leaders of the Foxtrot network is suspected to have resulted in several murders in recent weeks. On one side the leader Rawa Majid, aka "Kurdish fox". On the other side his former right hand.

Common to the men is that they are now hiding abroad – at the same time as they are suspected of being behind a number of serious acts of violence in Sweden recently.

"We have many who are wanted, who have committed crimes and left Sweden, and who continue to pursue crime or stay away from the long arm of the law abroad," says National Police Chief Anders Thornberg.

Convicted of serious crimes

SVT News has mapped 30 leading gang criminals hiding abroad in Turkey, Somalia, Iraq and Mexico. They have been convicted of crimes such as attempted murder, money laundering and aggravated weapons offences.

Several of them are currently suspected of remotely controlling organized crime in Sweden through, for example, murder orders and drug smuggling.

"There are about 20 individuals who are responsible for very serious crime and who are wanted internationally. We are doing everything we can to bring them home so that we can prosecute them. If that is not possible, we want to prosecute them in other countries," says Anders Thornberg.