Geoffrey Branger / Photo credit: ANDREA SAVORANI NERI / NURPHOTO / NURPHOTO VIA AFP 12:27pm, August 27, 2023

While the political returns are linked, another member of the government is preparing to make his comeback after the summer. Gabriel Attal, the new Minister of National Education, will hold a press conference on Monday and is expected to reveal the major projects he intends to carry out to reform the school. Europe 1 unveils its roadmap.

Monday, the new Minister of National Education, Gabriel Attal, makes his return. On occasion, he will hold a press conference and is expected to outline his plans for the school. If nothing has leaked potential announcements, the Journal du dimanche unveils exclusively the minister's roadmap with three watchwords: authority, knowledge, secularism. But what does that mean? Europe 1 takes stock.

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Secularism and the fight against school bullying

First of all, to put an end to school failure, Gabriel Attal should introduce new assessments in CM1 and fourth, to allow teachers to better identify students in difficulty and thus prevent them from dropping out of school. As announced by Emmanuel Macron, these students could even be concerned by an early start of the school year as early as August 20.

As a reminder, according to a report unveiled by Europe 1 earlier this week, attacks on secularism in schools are up 150%. In particular, reports on wearing an abaya or qamis. Gabriel Attal intends to ban the wearing of these clothes in schools.

Finally, the fight against bullying in schools will be a priority. The Minister of National Education must make proposals on this subject by the end of September to complement recent announcements, including the dismissal of harassers from their school. A major shock awareness campaign should also be launched, in the same spirit as road safety campaigns.