He made this statement during an interview with the Argentine edition of Nacion, reports RIA Novosti.

According to him, after Russia withdrew from the grain deal and blocked the corridor, Ukraine has to look for workarounds for exporting products.

"If it (Russia - RT) continues in the same vein, it will not have a single ship left by the end of the conflict," Zelensky said.

Earlier, the Ukrainian head said that Kiev does not plan to transfer hostilities to the territory of Russia.

The Russian Defense Ministry had previously warned that from July 20, all ships that sail through the Black Sea to Ukrainian ports will be considered by Russia as potential carriers of weapons and considered involved in the conflict on the side of the Kyiv regime.

The Russian Defense Ministry clarified that this is due to the termination of the grain deal and the curtailment of the maritime humanitarian corridor.

The deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Vershinin, clarified that the statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense that all ships traveling through the Black Sea to Ukrainian ports will be considered as potential carriers of military cargo concerns the possibility of requesting an inspection of such vessels.