This was told by Assistant Minister of Health Alexei Kuznetsov in an interview with the newspaper "Vedomosti".

"The Ministry of Health supported the approach proposed by the Ministry of Finance, according to which it is planned to amend the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in terms of increasing excise taxes on cigarettes and cigarettes, the cost of one pack of which exceeds 200 rubles, and increasing the excise tax rate on cigars by 30%," Kuznetsov shared.

According to him, the increase in prices for cigarettes and tobacco products contributes to a significant reduction in tobacco consumption, as well as an increase in revenues to the state budget.

He assured that the profit from the increase in excise taxes will be directed to the "fight against hepatitis C".

Earlier it was reported that sales of cigarettes, sticks, vapes, as well as electronic tobacco heaters fell over the year in Russia.