In the appeal, the legislator noted that, in accordance with tax legislation, every working citizen has the right to receive a tax deduction once during his life when purchasing housing: to return 13% of the amount spent on the purchase of real estate, but not more than 2 million rubles, as well as from the amount of interest on the mortgage, but not more than 3 million rubles.

At the same time, this norm currently does not provide for exceptions for privileged categories of citizens, for example, large families, who during their lives may need to expand their living space, purchase new, more spacious housing, Fedorov noted.

"Taking into account the state policy aimed at supporting large families, I ask you to consider the advisability of amending the tax legislation in terms of giving citizens who have three or more dependent children (including adopted children and under guardianship) the right to use the tax deduction when purchasing real estate twice," the text of the appeal says.

Earlier, the State Duma proposed to allow large families to use maternity capital funds to purchase a car.

For more details, see the RT material.