• Justice The Constitutional Court concludes that "the right to freedom of defense" of Zaplana's financial brain was violated

The former president of the Generalitat Valenciana Eduardo Zaplana is already recovering at home from a surgical operation in which a pacemaker was placed. As confirmed to EL MUNDO sources close to the also former minister of the PP, Zaplana had tobe operated on emergency a few days ago, but is already well despite his delicate state of health.

The operation, which had to be carried out after Zaplana suffered a heart attack according to El Español, was successful in any case and the former minister was able to receive hospital discharge to continue in his family home with the recovery.

It should not be forgotten that Zaplana was diagnosed years ago with leukemia, which forced him to undergo a bone marrow transplant. His illness was the subject of controversy, because for a long time the judge refused to release him provisionally because he perceived the risk of escape, despite the fact that there were doctors who advised his release from prison.

Zaplana will face trial in 2024 for the Erial case, which will start in January. He will be tried along with 14 other people for an alleged crime of charging commissions for the privatization of ITV and wind farms in the Valencian Community.

  • Eduardo Zaplana

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