• Direct General Elections 23-J, last minute
  • Face to face Depression in the PSOE after the failure of Sánchez in the debate: "You can not disguise what everyone has seen"

The Central Electoral Board (JEC) has decided to partially estimate the claim filed by the PP against Pedro Sánchez for violating, making use of his institutional position as President of the Government, article 50.2 of the Loreg that prohibits, from the call for elections to the celebration of the same, any act organized or financed, directly or indirectly, by the public authorities containing references to achievements or achievements obtained by public authorities. It is an article that aims to protect the principle of equality in the exercise of the right to stand as a candidate and the principle of neutrality of the public authorities before the holding of elections.

The file initiated to Sánchez refers to the use by him of the press conference held at the headquarters of the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU, at the end of the European Council of June 29 and 30, to launch warnings against a hypothetical pact between the PP and Vox to govern that, In his opinion, it would mean "a setback" for Spain, while highlighting the "extraordinary performance of the Spanish economy" under his mandate, an extreme that, he stressed, European leaders would have "recognized him in private."

Later, Sánchez, always to questions from journalists, insisted that the PSOE would win the elections of 23-J and deepened his criticism against the first opposition party, winner in the municipal and regional elections, for agreeing "an obscene cut in rights in exchange for votes", as in his opinion was done in Extremadura and Valencia. An attitude "very different" from his own that for five years has agreed with political parties to "advance rights".

The JEC considers that the statements of Sánchez, pronounced in his capacity as President of the Government, "cannot be understood as essential for the safeguarding of the public interest or for the correct development of a public service" as, it points out, "seems to be intended in the brief of allegations formulated in defense of the president. "

On the contrary, the Electoral Board maintains that with these demonstrations "the principle of institutional neutrality would be broken" because its assessments "deduces a message aimed at promoting in its recipients a favorable assessment of the management of the Government of the nation in economic, labor and pension matters, among others. And likewise, critical assessments are made, attributing alleged setbacks and cuts in rights to governments that arise from agreements between parties of a political sign different from that of the parties that support the Government, a Government to which alleged advances are attributed. "

  • General Elections
  • Politics
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • PSOE

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