The three climbs on the program on the 179.8 km course in the Allier should not weigh on the course of the race and everything suggests that we are moving towards a massive sprint in the city of Coco Chanel.

Moulins is the last metropolitan prefecture not to have yet hosted the Tour de France in 120 years.

Tour de France 2023 11th stage © Vincent LEFAI, Sabrina BLANCHARD / AFP

"It's a stage that we wanted to be as flat as possible to concern the teams of sprinters. Moulins is a city that we have never visited before and we will have a beautiful straight line of 800 meters to make a beautiful sprint. It should not escape them, "said the tracer of the Tour, Thierry Gouvenou, to AFP.

This will be an opportunity for Jasper Philipsen to bring his number of victories to four in this 110th edition, before a more rugged stage the next day and the return of the mountain on Friday at the Grand Colombier.

Tour de France: 11th stage © Sophie RAMIS, Valentin RAKOVSKY, Cléa PÉCULIER / AFP

Departure in Clermont-Ferrand at 13:05 (launched at 13:25), arrival in Moulins at 17:30 (schedule calculated on an average of 44 km/h)

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