Republican order, education, health and social agenda: Elisabeth Borne has multiplied the announcements on these priority projects set by Emmanuel Macron for the "100 days" which end symbolically on July 14, but without achieving the objective of expanding the presidential majority.

After the use of the unpopular and controversial 49.3 to adopt the pension reform, Emmanuel Macron, who will not finally speak on July 14 but "around July 14", had instructed his Prime Minister "to enlarge the majority" so as not to have to draw this constitutional weapon on future texts.

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Elisabeth Borne failed to convince left and right. The LR president of the Senate Gérard Larcher declared, on the contrary, in favor of a strategy of "cabotage" with the presidential majority.

On the other hand, according to the Prime Minister, "all the projects that we had presented at the end of April in the roadmap have been undertaken". But the president has yet to take stock himself.

  • Fraud

The government announced in May two sweeping plans to combat social and tax evasion as it seeks to save money in the face of ailing public finances.

To combat social fraud, it intends to double the number of tax adjustments by 2027. As for tax fraud, the executive has in its sights the very serious frauds, in particular international fraud. It provides for a 25% increase in the number of controls "on large assets" by the end of the five-year period. Tax audits are also planned every two years for the 100 largest market capitalizations.

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  • Immigration

The head of state also promised to "strengthen the control of illegal immigration". But on this aspect, no new measures have been presented, while political negotiations on a bill are slipping.

During his trip to Marseille at the end of June, Emmanuel Macron also said his wish to set up the immediate payment, by credit card or cash, of fixed fines for drug consumption in order to improve their recovery.

  • Work

The Prime Minister, who received the employers' and trade union organizations on Wednesday, highlighted four reforms "made or committed" on the field of work during the "100 days": unemployment insurance, pensions, vocational high schools and France Work which must succeed Pôle Emploi.

The roadmap includes a "new pact for working life" which must take into account in particular the employment of seniors, career prospects and retraining.

Elisabeth Borne welcomed Wednesday "a very dense ambitious social agenda for the coming months", recalling that the government is committed to "faithfully transcribe" the agreements that will be found.

Regarding France Labour, a bill was adopted in the Senate, at first reading, and must now be debated by the Assembly.

" READ ALSO The appeasement wanted by Emmanuel Macron undermined by the war of attrition of his opponents

  • Education

Emmanuel Macron promised that the school would change "visibly" in September: for teachers, who will be better paid; for students, who will be more accompanied in French and mathematics and will practice more sports; and for parents, who will see teachers absent for short periods in middle and high schools systematically replaced.

The unions, however, are disappointed. According to them, the increases do not respond to rising inflation. And a few weeks before the start of the school year, the details of the "pact" between the government and teachers have still not been officially published.

Education Minister Pap Ndiaye is "confident" that he will reach at least 30% of signatory teachers, necessary to ensure replacements at the beginning of the school year.

Meanwhile, Emmanuel Macron has put oil on the fire with the unions, proposing to "reopen the debate" of "school time in the year" and the duration of the summer holidays.

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  • Health

The head of state promised a "deeply rebuilt" health system. There was no spectacular announcement during the 100 days, but rather the continuation of the major orientations already known. At the beginning of the summer, Health Minister François Braun announced the list of essential medicines as part of the action plan against shortages, after presenting the reform of the general medical internship, which should allow "junior doctors" to be sent to medical deserts.

François Braun also announced a reform of the nursing profession for the start of the 2024 school year.

Social Security has made progress in providing a general practitioner to the approximately 700,000 chronically ill people who do not have one. By early July, more than 53,000 patients had found a doctor, according to the minister.

On the other hand, the upgrading of the guards and on-call duties of doctors in the public hospital is slow to materialize, due to the lack of budgetary arbitration.

With AFP

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