Kenya: Six dead in banned opposition protests

Six people died in clashes between police and protesters in Kenya on Wednesday, police sources quoted by AFP said. Opposition leader Raila Odinga had called on his supporters to protest once again against new taxes and President Ruto's policies. Gatherings were banned and declared "illegal".

An arrest during the protest in Mlolongo, Kenya, July 12, 2023. REUTERS - THOMAS MUKOYA

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With our correspondent in Nairobi, Florence Morice

The clashes were most violent in Mlolongo, on the outskirts of Nairobi. For several hours, groups of young people lit fires and held barricades. They clashed with police forces along the expressway that connects the center of the capital to the airport.

For his part, Raila Odinga, the opponent behind the mobilization, canceled the rally he had planned to hold despite the ban, saying he feared attacks against the leaders of his movement. In the morning, police fired tear gas to disperse supporters waiting for him as his teams set up the platform from which he was supposed to speak. The veteran of Kenyan politics finally gave a press conference during which he reiterated the great "fatigue" of Kenyans in the face of their living conditions and accused the police of having "shot, wounded and killed demonstrators", especially in Nairobi. At least six people were killed last Friday during banned protests.

« This culture of impunity will end »

NGOs denounced violent police repression. Our gatherings "remain peaceful until the police decide to disperse them with bullets and tear gas," he charged.

According to police sources, members of the security forces were also injured. Elsewhere in the country, attempts at rallies have also been dispersed, such as in the port city of Mombassa. "Lives have been lost, dozens of law enforcement officers and civilians have been seriously injured and unimaginable losses to the country's economy have been caused," Interior Minister Kithure Kindiki said in a statement, denouncing "widespread violence" and "looting." "This culture of impunity will end," he warned.

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