The head of the press center of the West group, Sergei Zybinsky, said that Russian troops launched an airstrike on a temporary deployment point and a repair base of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"During the fighting in the Kupyansk direction, the crew of the Su-34 fighter-bomber of the West group of forces launched an air strike on the temporary deployment point and the repair base of the units of the 28th separate rifle battalion in the area of the settlement of Kolodeznoye," Zybinsky said.

Along with this, the crews of the Ka-52 and Mi-28 attack helicopters launched ten air strikes on the accumulation of enemy manpower and fire weapons from the 14th separate mechanized brigade and territorial defense units.

In addition, in the defense zone of the 1st Tank Army in the area of the settlement of Novoselovskoye, the enemy from the 32nd Separate Mechanized Brigade attempted to attack the positions of Russian troops.

"As a result of a comprehensive strike by artillery fire of the group, T-72B3, T-80 tanks and the Solntsepyok heavy flamethrower system, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were stopped and were forced to retreat to their previously occupied positions," Zybinsky said.

According to him, the enemy lost up to a platoon of manpower, an American-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicle and one mortar.

Oleg Chekhov, head of the press center of the Vostok group, said that in the Yuzhno-Donetsk direction, an enemy attempt to conduct reconnaissance in force in the area of the settlement of Ravnopil was thwarted. As a result, accumulations of manpower and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hit.

  • Statement by the head of the press center of the Vostok group

In addition, Russian howitzer artillery destroyed an M113 armored personnel carrier east of the Oktyabr state farm and an armored combat vehicle east of Makarovka.

Along with this, assault and army aircraft hit places of accumulation of militants in the areas of Makarovka and Urozhayne.

Chekhov also said that in the Zaporozhye direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to try to attack in the direction of Rabotin. However, Russian forces inflict fire damage on the enemy.

"During the battle, tanks, armored combat vehicles and vehicles with militants were destroyed, places of accumulation of manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hit, including with the use of heavy flamethrower systems" Solntsepyok ", - said Chekhov.

In addition, in the same area, when trying to clear the front line of defense, engineering demining vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.

According to the head of the press center of the Center group, Alexander Savchuk, in the Krasnoliman direction, the calculation of the Smerch multiple launch rocket system and the crew of the Solntsepyok heavy flamethrower system defeated the areas of concentration of enemy manpower and firepower.

Along with this, the Tor-M1 anti-aircraft missile system shot down a drone of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Bomber aircraft attacked a command and observation post, a temporary deployment point and a nationalist stronghold.

In the Torsk area and in the area of the Serebryansky forestry, aviation and artillery of the Center group repelled attempts to attack units of the 95th Air Assault Brigade and the 42nd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As Savchuk noted, the enemy suffered significant losses in manpower and equipment. Four militants of the brigade surrendered.

Cache of weapons and ammunition in the LPR

In the north of the Lugansk People's Republic, a mined cache of Ukrainian saboteurs was discovered, RIA Novosti reported, citing a representative of the LPR security forces.

"After examining the cache, it was established that it was equipped with an improvised explosive device installed in a non-removable position, which confirms its installation by specialists in mine explosives. The cache was destroyed by undermining, "the agency's interlocutor said.

He clarified that a set of operational-search measures is being carried out aimed at identifying those involved in the equipment of the cache and the preparation of sabotage and terrorist acts on the territory of the LPR.