China News Network, July 7 (Wei Chenxi) In the past two days, leaders of many countries have gathered in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, and the NATO summit is being held. On the evening of the 13th local time, NATO's official website released the summit communiqué reached by the heads of government of the meeting.

Hyping up the "China threat theory" and exaggerating the "Chinese nuclear threat"... In this communiqué, NATO took aim at China again, mentioning China more than 10 times.

Zhao Junjie, a researcher at the Institute of Europe of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out in an interview with that at the summit, behind NATO's "nonsense", the "bandit logic" of the United States, the head of NATO, was exposed.

America's "sounding board"

NATO acts as a tool to contain China

The NATO summit communiqué pointed to China's "attempts to subvert the rules-based international order, including in space, cyber and maritime domains," claiming that China's policies "pose a 'systemic challenge' to NATO's interests, security and values."

Infographic: NATO logo.

"At present, the game between China and the United States has reached the deepest level, no matter how many times the communiqué mentions China, the United States will definitely not miss the favorable grasp of the NATO summit." Zhao Junjie pointed out.

He further analyzed that first of all, NATO is a "product of the Cold War", which was used by the United States after the Cold War, and now plays the role of "fire brigade captain" or "gendarmerie" in Europe and even the world; Secondly, NATO is "America's NATO", as the "mouthpiece of the United States", NATO is regarded by the United States as a "strategic tool" to contain China.

In fact, China has always been the founder and defender of the current international order, Yang Tao, director of the Department of the United States Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, recently said, "China is the first country to sign the UN Charter, the founder, defender and beneficiary of the current international order. Some people always say "rules-based international order", what rules is that based on? ”

In contrast, the United States, the head of NATO, has a WTO study that says the United States is by far the "most unruly", and two-thirds of the organization's violations are caused by the United States. The root cause, as the Foreign Ministry spokesperson previously said, is that under the packaging of the "rules-based international order" of the United States, there is a "hegemonic heart based on the supremacy of US interests."

Rendering the "nuclear threat"

American "three birds with one stone"?

In the communiqué, NATO hyped up China's "nuclear threat" and urged China to "engage in discussions to reduce strategic risks and promote stability by increasing transparency in its nuclear weapons policies, programs and capabilities." At the same time, in the communiqué, NATO repeatedly declared itself a "nuclear alliance".

In this regard, Zhao Junjie believes that NATO expressed its calculations on two levels: the first layer means to say to China, and on the surface it is knocking China; The second meaning is for Russia, that is, NATO is not only a conventional military alliance, but also a military alliance with nuclear deterrence. Through such remarks, NATO hopes to give "reassurance" to small European countries.

"It's more about psychological warfare. The United States, as the head of NATO, has the strategic intention of killing three birds with one stone. It can be said that the United States is a master of playing with people's hearts and minds. Zhao Junjie said.

On July 7, a spokesman for the Chinese mission to the European Union said that the NATO summit communiqué was full of Cold War mentality and ideological bias. The China-related content of the communiqué ignores the basic facts, wantonly distorts China's position and policies, and deliberately smears China, which China firmly opposes and rejects.

On the 12th, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin also responded. He pointed out that NATO, as a military alliance with the largest and most powerful nuclear weapons, has engaged in "microphone diplomacy" in recent years and irresponsibly played up the "Chinese nuclear threat."

Arch fire pouring oil

"Wherever NATO goes, it is restless"

It is worth noting that NATO also called on China in the communiqué to "play the role of a permanent member of the UN Security Council and condemn Russia's military action against Ukraine." NATO views Sino-Russian cooperation as "mutually reinforcing attempts to undermine the rules-based international order," which it considers contrary to its values and interests.

In fact, for more than a year, NATO members have vigorously promoted military assistance to Ukraine and imposed sanctions on Russia, which is the initiator of the "arch fire" and the escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine. Recently, the United States decided to provide cluster bombs to Ukraine, which broke through the bottom line of humanitarianism.

Zhao Junjie pointed out that the NATO communiqué accusing China on the Russian-Ukrainian issue is a kind of "robber logic", which is described in the old Chinese saying, that is, "only state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light lamps."

He concluded, "American values speak only of struggle, not coordination, and see itself as the embodiment of justice while inserting the dagger of politics into 'institutional opponents.'" ”

Zhao Junjie also believes that the US-led NATO is not really maintaining Europe's security and stability. On the issue of Ukraine, some European countries have had to choose sides.

"Wherever NATO goes, there is restlessness." He pointed out. (Intern Tian Xuxu also contributed to this article) (End)