France: an "exceptional" security device deployed for July 14

Fearing that the traditional excesses will be amplified by the urban riots that have punctuated the country following the death of Nahel, killed by a policeman on June 27 in the Paris suburbs, the government has decided to mobilize a large-scale device for July 13 and 14.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin at his press conference on July 12, 2023. AFP - BERTRAND GUAY

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The "same modus operandi as during the riots" will be deployed, said Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin at a press conference. For the national holiday of July 14 and the day before, 45,000 members of the security forces will be mobilized throughout the country to ensure security. The special forces of the Raid, the GIGN and the BRI as well as the helicopters and armored vehicles of the gendarmerie will thus be engaged again in the most sensitive communes. "An unprecedented effort," the minister said on Twitter.

Every year, excesses take place on the sidelines of the festivities of July 14. But this year, the government is particularly worried about the violence that could occur because of the riotsthat followed the death of the young Nahel, killed by a policeman during a control in Nanterre on June 27.

For July 13 and 14, 130,000 police, gendarmes and firefighters will be mobilized. 45,000 police and gendarmes will be specifically mobilized each evening to fight against violence. This is an unprecedented effort.

— Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) July 12, 2023

From Lithuania, where he attended the NATO summit, French President Emmanuel Macron vowed to act "with the utmost determination". "If there were some excesses, we would intervene with the greatest determination so that all our fellow citizens can live in peace," said the head of state at a press conference.

According to a security source, particular vigilance is focused on the Ile-de-France, the North and the Lyon region. Throughout the country, with a few exceptions, buses and trams will stop again earlier in the evening, until 22:00 maximum, or even 21:00 in the Paris region.

Fireworks mortars

The authorities also want to enforce the decree banning until Saturday the sale of all pyrotechnic items, including fireworks "mortars" used as weapons against the police or to set fire to buildings.

In a telegram of July 6, Gérald Darmanin had asked the prefects to strengthen controls. "150,000 fireworks mortars" have been seized since June 27, he said. These seizures "suggest that neighborhoods are trying to resupply for July 14," according to the security source.

In 2022, 807 people were arrested following incidents throughout the country on the sidelines of the July 14 festivities, 749 vehicles burned and 55 members of the security forces injured, recalled the minister.

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  • Gerald Darmanin
  • France