Duda said this following the summit of the alliance in Vilnius.

"If Ukraine became a full member of NATO today, it should be assumed that on the same day or the next day it would ask for the launch of the fifth article, that is, collective defense. And if the alliance behaved as it should in this situation, then we would have to send our soldiers to the front, like all other NATO countries.
Polish soldiers would have to go to the front. As president, I would not like to make such a decision," TASS quoted Duda as saying.

He added that Ukraine's accession to NATO is theoretically beneficial to Poland, because it is "moving the border eastward," but we must not forget that Ukraine is "twice the size of Poland."

"Now it is impossible to accept Ukraine into NATO on full rights," the president of the republic stated.

The head of the office of the Polish president, Pavel Shrot, said earlier that Ukraine would be able to join NATO only after a "good end to the war", that is, victory over Russia.