• Campaign Division among the victims of terrorism for the "Let you vote Txapote"

The head of the list of EH Bildu for Guipúzcoa to the Congress, Mertxe Aizpurua, has described as "undignified" that the slogan Que te vote Txapote is used to go against the Government and has defended that in this issue it would be necessary to respect what the victims say about it.

In an interview granted to Radio Euskadi, Aizpurua has criticized that "the victims" of terrorism are used to "go against" the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. On whether she considers that there is a trivialization of terrrorismo, she has indicated that she has "listened" to the victims and "so they believe."

"We should have all the respect in the world for what the victims say," said the EH Bildu candidate, who added that "regardless of assessments of whether it is trivialized or not, it is unworthy to use it in that way."

"From Euskal Herria Bildu we will never want to cover other issues, other serious problems that the population wants to talk about, with this issue that denotes nothing more than wanting to use the victims," he said. In his opinion, it is "a political use" with the aim of "going against Sánchez". In EH Bildu they will never find us there", said Mertxe Aizpurua, who reiterated all her "empathy and solidarity" with the victims.

"Phones will ring again"

On the other hand, Aizpurua has affirmed that, if the PSOE "wants to fall into the error" of "moving away from the coincidence" with EH Bildu, "they will see" but, "if they want there to be left-wing policies, the sovereigntist left will be totally necessary", so he believes that "the phones will ring again".

The leader of EH Bildu has warned that next July 23 is at stake "a lot, to have a better future for all", and also the risk that "governs the right and the far right". "Things can change a lot depends on who is in the government, how things are done," he said.

In this way, he has expressed his desire for "a government that facilitates the progressive policies and, of course, closes the doors to the right." "The other option we know what it is and we do not like it," he said, ensuring that "whether the Popular Party governs with Vox or that it is alone is exactly the same" because for citizens it is just as "bad".

Asked if it bothers her that EH Bildu supports PSOE in its measures but then the Socialists do not support them, for example, in Navarra, she has framed that situation in the electoral campaign since, if you take into account what happened before this period, "the facts speak for themselves".

Thus, he defended that EH Bildu has managed, "with its contribution, with its interventions and with its actions, to improve many laws that already came with a progressive character but that could be improved", which "is good for the Basque citizenship but also for the citizens of the Spanish State".


Among the objectives for the next legislature, he cited the need to "resume" the repeal of the Gag Law, continue "taking steps" in the Housing Law and improve "a lot" in pensions so that they "adjust to the needs of the people and the socioeconomic reality".

In terms of sovereignty, he explained that it will be defended that the Statute of Autonomy of Euskadi and that of Navarra "are complied with" and, "from there, that there are more competences and that there are more transfers and that, for example, the new taxes that are created are also transferred automatically".

Regarding the possibility of a sovereigntist consultation, he pointed out that we must be "also a little sensible when it comes to raising issues" and, therefore, "what we have to do is to make progress on this issue and broadening the bases and social adhesion to these budgets ".

As he has indicated, "in the end it is to convince people that we will be better off if we govern ourselves", an idea that he believes "is already installed" in the majority of Basque society, although it has to be "very clear" so that "it does not give rise to discussion".

Aizpurua has defended that we must "continue working" so that "one day this can be done" and in this new legislature "what must be done is to open paths so that the right to self-determination is a reality and that it is respected", and open the "drawer of the territorial problem".

The candidate has defended that "the right to self-determination is a democratic right and must be exercised as such" and, if "it is a full democracy, what it must do is respect what citizens say." "For all that you have to do it without haste, without urgency, without stopping for a moment," he said.

  • General Elections
  • Politics
  • Bildu

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