Recently, one of the largest insect inventories ever made in the four northernmost counties was completed. In total, almost 400,000 insects were collected in 2021 using so-called Malaise traps, a type of traps that look like small white tents. The insects were then sent to Öland to be determined by DNA technology. The results were amazing, says Jörgen Nalisvaara, one of those who worked on the project at the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten.

"It was overwhelming, partly that we found so many species, but also that there were so many species that were undescribed," says Jörgen Naalisvaara, responsible for insect monitoring.

New parasite discovered

One of the sites that has been inventoried is Hanhinvittikko mountain farm in Övertorneå. A mountain farm from the mid-1800s where the meadows are still mowed and grazed in the traditional way. Over 1600 species have been found there, of which about 40 are completely new to Sweden. It is also there that the small parasitic fry Stenomacrus groenlandicus was found, an insect previously only found in Canada, North America and Greenland.

"It's important that we keep track of which species we have and how they evolved. Insects respond very well to change, so if we keep track of the insects, we can keep track of, for example, climate change and other influencing factors," says Jörgen Naalisvaara.

Watch the clip above to hear more about why so many new species have been found in Hanhinvittikko.