The suspect in the murder of the former captain of the submarine "Krasnodar", the deputy head of the department for mobilization work of the administration of Krasnodar Stanislav Rzhitsky pleaded guilty, RIA Novosti reported, citing sources in law enforcement agencies.

According to the interlocutor of the agency, 64-year-old Sergei Denisenko said that he was recruited in Ukraine.

Captain 2nd rank Stanislav Rzhitsky was shot dead on July 10 in the park of the 30th anniversary of the Victory in Krasnodar during a morning run. The next day, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine published news about the murder of Rzhitsky.

The agency did not take responsibility for the crime, but described it in sufficient detail. So, the report said that the deceased was shot seven times from a Makarov pistol.

"Due to heavy rain, the park was deserted, so there are no witnesses who could provide details or recognize the attacker," the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

On the same day, July 11, investigators of the TFR, together with employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, detained Sergei Denisenko in Tuapse. According to official data, a pistol with a silencer was found in the man's possession. It was from him, presumably, that Rzhitsky was killed.

"Hard work, but it gives results"

As RT found out, Denisenko is an honored coach of Ukraine and an honored master of sports, he has the 7th dan shotokan karate-do. He was born in Sumy, and before the NWO he lived in Bucha in the Kyiv region. Last year, his house was damaged during the fighting and he left the city with his wife and children. The family went to Switzerland, where they received refugee status.

In December 2022, the man came to Russia alone, he told his relatives that he planned to obtain Russian citizenship and work here as a coach.

According to RT, Denisenko was detained shortly before he planned to leave Russia. He had Sochi-Istanbul-Zurich flights for July 12 with him.

His wife Olga, in a conversation with reporters, confirmed that she was waiting for her husband in Turkey - he already had tickets in his hands. The woman said that she did not believe in Sergei's guilt, because he was "an athlete, not a bandit."

In addition, it turned out that in October 2022, Serhiy Denysenko participated in honoring the "defenders of Ukraine", the ceremony was held in Bucha.

In photographs from the event, Denisenko makes a speech, receives an award from the hands of a Ukrainian soldier, and also shakes hands with a nationalist from Azov * Yulia Paevskaya (Taira).

This woman became known after in March last year pretended to be the mother of two children, whose parents she herself killed. The abducted children reported that the woman threatened them with violence.

Retired police colonel Alexei Trifonov believes that technology and the ability to track the movements of suspects with the help of cameras helped law enforcement officers in the capture of Denisenko.

"When such crimes are committed, first of all, they look at recordings from CCTV cameras along the route of the victim's movement. They (law enforcement officers. - RT) look at who followed him, and then follow the records of the alleged criminal: where he came from, where, what were the escape routes. Along the way, its means of communication are established. That is, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs perform a large range of work, this is painstaking work, but it gives results, "said the interlocutor of RT.

The secret of success

The murder detection rate in Russia has approached 100% in recent years, as Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev said at the end of last year. "Today we have a murder detection rate of almost 99%. In Soviet times, even this was not the case," said the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The detection rate of the most dangerous crimes against the person has increased to 95%, he added.

"At a level above 95% is the effectiveness of identifying those responsible for murder, robbery, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm," the minister said, speaking in the State Duma as part of the "government hour".

For example, in two days, the Ministry of Internal Affairs managed to solve a brutal attack on a 19-year-old resident of Elektrostal because of his hairstyle.

According to law enforcement officers, on the evening of July 9, two men attacked a young man because they did not like his mohawk and green hair. During the fight, the criminals actually scalped the victim: they cut off the hair with part of the scalp.

After that, they left the young man on the street and fled.

"After receiving a report of the incident, the Moscow Region police immediately organized operational-search activities. As a result, on July 10, police in Elektrostal detained the first suspect in committing this illegal act - a resident of the Komi Republic born in 1999, "said the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Irina Volk.

On July 11, police detained a second suspect, a 30-year-old man, in Obninsk, Kaluga Region. According to preliminary data, both detainees confessed to a criminal offense.

Major General of the FSB in reserve, ex-head of the Government Information Directorate of the Russian Federation, Alexander Mikhailov, in an interview with RT, noted that the successes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in solving crimes cannot be separated from the development of digital technologies.

"If we look at the latest high-profile crimes, we will see how quickly and efficiently they are solved. If we compare today's figure with the disclosure of crimes in the 1980s, 1990s, even 2000s, we will see that progress is evident. I think half of that success is based on the tools that police officers have. These are tracking tools, artificial intelligence. Thanks to them, such serious crimes as murders, robberies, robberies, beatings, violence, falling into the tracking zone, into the zone of artificial intelligence, are solved very quickly. Therefore, of course, today the Ministry of Internal Affairs faces a very serious task - to distribute these digital technologies throughout Russia. After all, our country is large and not everywhere there are the necessary digital technologies to catch criminals," the expert said.

* "Azov" - the organization was recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 02.08.2022.