After a week of riots following Nahel's death, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, heard by the Senate's Law Commission on Wednesday, July 5, takes stock of the damage.

Since the beginning of the violence on June 27, 23,878 public fires have been recorded, the minister said. There were 12,031 vehicles burned, 2,508 buildings burned or damaged, including 273 that "belong to the security forces". 105 town halls were "burned or defaced" and 168 schools "were attacked".

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"Seventeen attacks on elected officials" were counted, including that against the home of the mayor of L'Haÿ-les-Roses, south of Paris, a car-ramming attack that raised outrage in the country.

Investigations opened

In addition, investigations have been opened since the beginning of the violence in France. "There are only 10 seizures of the IGPN (the general inspectorate of the national police) or the IGGN", its counterpart for the gendarmerie, said without further details Gerald Darmanin.

One of these investigations is being conducted by the IGPN after a young man, currently in a coma, was seriously wounded in the head in Mont-Saint-Martin, in the east of the France where the Raid, an elite police unit, intervened on June 30.

Another, led by the IGPN and the judicial police, concerns the death of a 27-year-old man in the night from Saturday to Sunday in Marseille (South-East), possibly victim of a projectile shot of "flash-ball type", according to the prosecutor's office.

Since the beginning of the violence on June 27, there have been 3,505 arrests, including 1,373 in Paris and the suburbs, said Gérald Darmanin. The youngest arrested is "11 years old" and the oldest "59 years old", he said.

With AFP

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