Ukrainian Airlines Boeing crash in Iran: Tehran prosecuted before ICJ

It was more than three years ago, on January 8, 2020, flight PS752, which was flying between Tehran and Kiev, crashed a few minutes after takeoff, shot down "by mistake" by the Iranian army. Faced with Iran's inaction in this case, Canada, Ukraine, Sweden and the United Kingdom on Wednesday appealed to the International Court of Justice to seek redress.

Rescuers walk amid the debris of Ukrainian International Airlines flight PS752 on January 8, 2020. AFP

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With our correspondent in Montreal, Justine Cohendet

This is an important step that Canada has just taken by referring the case to the International Court of Justice alongside Ukraine, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

The objective of this coalition is to defend the families of the 176 victims, killed in the crash of this Ukrainian airliner, shot down by the Iranian army on January 8, 2020. Families who are still waiting for answers from Tehran three years after the tragedy. The pain is particularly acute on Canadian soil, where 55 citizens and 30 permanent residents have lost their lives.

Canada, Ukraine, Sweden and the United Kingdom hope first to obtain a "public apology" from Iran, but also that the country recognizes "its unfounded actions", which led it to shoot down this Boeing that was flying between Tehran and Kiev.

The coalition also wants the Islamic Republic to compensate the families of the victims who are still struggling to obtain financial compensation from Tehran.

Last April, ten Iranian servicemen were convicted in Iran for their role in the crash. The verdict, however, did not convince the families of the victims, who are demanding an impartial international trial.

See alsoIran: a Ukrainian airliner crashes on takeoff from Tehran

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