Three years ago, four countries, including Canada and Ukraine, who suffered casualties in the case where a Ukrainian airliner was shot down by the Iranian army, filed a lawsuit against Iran at the ICJ = International Court of Justice on the 3th, alleging that they failed to conduct an impartial investigation.

Three years ago, in January 3, all 2020 passengers and crew were killed when Iranian forces shot down a Ukraine International Airlines airliner with missiles near the Iranian capital Tehran.

The Iranian side admitted that it shot down the airliner after mistaking it as an enemy amid heightened military tensions with the United States.

On the 1th, the four countries that suffered victims in this incident, Canada, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom, filed a lawsuit against Iran at the ICJ = International Court of Justice, claiming that Iran "failed to conduct a fair and impartial criminal investigation based on international law" in response to the investigation and trial conducted by the Iranian side after the incident.

Documents filed with the court state the reasons for filing the lawsuit: "Iran suppressed evidence, threatened and harassed the families of victims seeking justice, and conducted opaque trials."

Canadian Foreign Minister Jolie, whose passengers were killed, posted on Twitter on May 176, "Iran must be held accountable for its actions, and we will continue to fight for justice."

Families of victims in Iran also call for a fair trial

In April, a military court in Iran sentenced 4 people, including a military commander who was implicated in the shootdown, to one to 10 years' imprisonment.

However, the verdict did not disclose the names and ages of the 1 victims, and the families of the victims in Iran called for a fair trial, saying that it was not an acceptable verdict because it was not possible to confirm who was truly responsible.