The site, which has several million vehicle searches per month, applied in 2019 to access the Swedish Transport Agency's database, which is continuously updated with current information, but had its request rejected as it was considered that the handling of personal data did not meet the authority's requirements.

– They wanted to publish information about private individuals openly on a website, and that is not something we allow, explains Susann Dahlberg, section manager at the Swedish Transport Agency.

Nevertheless, it says on the site that the information comes from the Swedish Transport Agency. The website's founder and CEO Christian Nilsson says that the information comes from elsewhere but that it is based on the authority's road traffic register.

Where is the information retrieved?

"I can't say where we get the data from because it's a trade secret.

The Personal Data Act is suspended with a certificate of publication

The vehicle site is protected by a certificate of publication based on the Freedom of the Press Act (TF) and the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression (YGL). In this way, Christian Nilsson, who is the responsible publisher for the search service, has the opportunity to publish personal data without individuals' permission. Carolin Olstedt Calström is a lawyer specializing in data privacy and information security.

"We see that there are actors who, within the framework of constitutional protection, conduct activities other than what the protection would otherwise be for," explains Caroline Olstedt Calström.

If I, as a vehicle owner, want to take down my information from your site, is that possible?

"It's not with us that you do it, you have to go through the Swedish Transport Agency. As long as they are public, they are on the site, says the vehicle site's CEO, Christian Nilsson.