How to stop the "rush" on the road

The public security traffic management department has carried out in-depth special operations to crack down on and rectify "drag racing and bombing streets"

□ Dong Fanchao, reporter of this newspaper

"I haven't heard the noise of motorcycles outside the community for a long time." Mr. Zhou, who lives in Huangnidong, Yubei District, Chongqing, was pleased to find that motorcycles "dragging up the street" that often appeared on the main road in front of his community rarely occurred this summer.

It turned out that in accordance with the deployment of the national public security organs' special action to crack down on and rectify the illegal crime of "drag racing and bombing the street", the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau set up a special team composed of multiple police branches, and joined hands with relevant functional departments to strike hard and severely crack down on the illegal and criminal activities of "drag racing and bombing the street". At present, the police situation of "drag racing" and noise disturbance has decreased by 38.2% year-on-year.

Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed the operation in late May, local public security organs have coordinated the strength, resources and means of police departments, strengthened the investigation of clues, accurate investigation and seizure, and source control, cracked down on illegal and criminal acts of "drag racing and street bombing" throughout the chain, cracked down on 5 "drag racing and street bombing" gangs, investigated and dealt with 39 illegal modification dens, investigated and dealt with more than 45,6500 suspected illegal cases of "drag racing and street bombing", detained 1597,221 illegally modified assembled vehicles, administratively detained 10 people in accordance with the law, and took criminal compulsory measures against <> people.

Pinpoint clues

Strengthen road surface control

Recently, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Chengdu Public Security Bureau in Sichuan Province received a report from the public: on the roads of Tianyun Road and Tianbao Road in Jinniu District, there are cars "racing and bombing the streets" at night, disrupting the normal work and life of nearby residents and causing great safety hazards to road traffic.

The Traffic Management Bureau of the Chengdu Municipal Public Security Bureau attached great importance to the situation reported by the masses, and immediately instructed the Chengdu Traffic Police to crack down on the "drag racing and bombing the street" special operation brigade to investigate. After investigation according to law, it was found that in order to attract attention and seek excitement, Bai and others drove their vehicles on the road to carry out acts such as drifting and roaring, burning tires and bombing the street, deliberately creating noise, disrupting road traffic order, disrupting the normal work and living order of residents, constituting illegal acts of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

At 6 o'clock on June 26, the Chengdu Traffic Police Special Action Brigade to Combat "Drag Racing and Bombing the Street" launched a net collection operation, arrested 7 suspects including Bai who were investigated and locked up in the early stage, and detained 9 vehicles involved in the case according to law.

During the special operation, the Chengdu public security traffic management department in Sichuan Province dispatched 80 people to form a special operation brigade to establish a modern law enforcement case handling model of "fighting gangs in teams and handling projects professionally". In order to achieve effective and accurate crackdowns, the Chengdu public security traffic management department relies on the "Chengdu e-hang" platform to launch the "drag racing" clue reporting function, and now solicits illegal acts and clues such as "bombing street racing", illegal modification and sale of vehicles from the whole society.

Since May, Chongqing public security organs have cracked down on 23 gangs of "drag racing and street bombing", investigated and dealt with 89 illegal cases suspected of "drag racing and street bombing", detained 2 illegally modified assembled vehicles, and administratively detained 5 people. In order to strengthen the collection of clues, the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Organ has set up 18 special hotlines to sort out and analyze the "302" police situation, hotline reporting and complaints, public opinion feedback information on various online platforms and illegal history records on a weekly basis, and dynamically analyze and clarify the key periods, road sections, and high-risk personnel and vehicles with high incidence of "drag racing" violations, so as to improve the pertinence of law enforcement and rectification work.

The Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department strengthened the collection and sorting of clues, normalized the police situation of the "110" and "122" alarm platforms, and the "12345" hotline to report and complain, and widely mobilized social forces such as community grid members and security activists to investigate the high incidence periods and sections of the "drag racing and bombing streets", providing strong support for accurate and efficient crackdowns.

Yang Runkai, associate professor at the School of Traffic Management of Chinese Minmin Public Security University, believes that the traffic management department of the public security organ needs to insist on rapid response and precise crackdown, improve the investigation and punishment rate of "drag racing and bombing the street", so that violations must be investigated and prosecuted, and the perpetrator's fluke mentality should be eliminated. At the same time, give full play to the enthusiasm of the people to participate in the behavior of "drag racing and bombing streets", and encourage them to report and discourage "drag racing and bombing streets". Give full play to the autonomous role of social organizations, such as car clubs and motorcycle friends' associations, establish self-discipline systems and punishment mechanisms for associations, and guide correct behavior.

Stick to the chain blow

Deepen source management

On June 6, the Chengdu Traffic Police cracked down on the "drag racing" special operation brigade and jointly conducted a surprise inspection of a second-hand motorcycle sales store in the jurisdiction.

During the inspection, the police inspected more than 50 motorcycles, temporarily detained 8 motorcycles suspected of illegal modification, and summoned the person in charge of the business involved and some staff to the sub-bureau for further investigation and handling. For illegally modifying motorcycles, the person in charge of the business will be fined 500 yuan per motorcycle, no points will be awarded, and the vehicle will be restored to its original state.

While implementing normalized and centralized rectification of illegal acts of "drag racing and bombing streets", local public security traffic management departments have strengthened chain crackdowns, carried out in-depth traffic safety inspection and supervision around key industries such as auto repair shops and electric bicycle sales and maintenance stores, and further deepened source management, so that illegal modifications, noise disturbances and other illegal acts have nowhere to hide.

In combination with the fight against crime, the public security organs of Heilongjiang Province trace the source of modification enterprises in accordance with the law, strictly enforce vehicle registration and safety technology inspection, strengthen the supervision of vehicle inspection and maintenance enterprises, squeeze the market space for illegal modification, and effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of illegal crimes of "drag racing and bombing streets".

The Shandong Provincial Public Security Department has set up a leading group for special action work, which is responsible for arranging and deploying, supervising and guiding, coordinating and promoting special rectification, focusing on rectifying sedan-type sports cars and illegally modified motorcycles that have the hidden danger of "drag racing and bombing the street", focusing on cracking down on illegal acts such as illegal modification and installation of relevant equipment to change the performance and appearance of motor vehicles, as well as criminal activities endangering public safety such as "drag racing and bombing streets".

Chongqing public security organs, together with market supervision, transportation and other departments, carry out joint law enforcement no less than twice a month, strictly manage and strictly investigate and strictly deal with the source of illegal modification, assembly and sales problems such as repair shops and modification shops (factories), and have investigated and dealt with a total of 2 illegal modification dens since May.

Strengthen publicity and education

Highlight the remediation effect

Through telephone notifications, safety reminder SMS, warning and publicity SMS, door-to-door reminders, etc., supervise and remind vehicle drivers to consciously abide by traffic safety laws and regulations, and resist the illegal behavior of "drag racing and bombing the street"... In the past few days, the traffic police detachment of the Xuzhou Public Security Bureau of Jiangsu Province has always carried out publicity and education throughout the law enforcement work on duty, and conducted publicity and education on road traffic safety related laws and regulations for offenders and onlookers, so as to alert the general public to enhance safety awareness and improve self-protection capabilities.

At the same time, the Xuzhou public security traffic management department in Jiangsu increased the warning exposure of typical cases and typical traffic accidents found in the rectification operation, invited media reporters to fight with the police, and immediately broadcast the rectification dynamics and rectification results; Organize publicity forces to carry out traffic safety publicity in schools, increase traffic safety publicity and education for primary and secondary school students, give play to the leading role of "small hands holding big hands", guide student groups to persuade parents to resist "drag racing" and other traffic violations, and achieve the publicity effect of "educating a child and influencing a family".

While the Sichuan Provincial Public Security Traffic Management Department maintained a high-pressure and strict management posture against the illegal acts of "drag racing and bombing streets", public security organs throughout the province have carried out publicity and education activities to refuse "drag racing and bombing streets", organized police forces to visit motorcycle dealers, maintenance points, community schools, etc., to publicize the harm of motorcycle "drag racing" and illegal modification to relevant practitioners, motorcycle drivers and the general public, carried out a total of 234 related activities, and exposed 25 typical cases such as racing racing, bending and bombing the street, and burning tires to show off skills. It creates an atmosphere of strict management and strict investigation.

Yang Runkai analyzed that the psychological motives of "drag racing and bombing the street" mainly include showing off skills, playing cool, highlighting personality, catharsis, seeking stimulation, etc., while the perpetrator has internal triggers such as safety awareness, weak legal awareness, extreme individualism, adolescent rebellion, etc.

"Local public security organs have taken into account the actual local situation and adopted methods such as special actions, comprehensive law enforcement, joint rectification, precise crackdowns, comprehensive management, and precise control and control, and have achieved certain results, but there are still shortcomings in treating the symptoms but not the root causes, and they have not yet started from the origin of 'drag racing and bombing the streets' to fundamentally eliminate the psychological motives of the perpetrators and remove the triggers." Yang Runkai suggested that local public security traffic management departments should further strengthen the education and guidance of key personnel, enhance the public's safety awareness and legal and moral level, effectively eradicate the soil of "drag racing and bombing streets", and form a social atmosphere that jointly maintains traffic safety and good living order. (Daily Worker)