Updated Wednesday,5July2023-09:09

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Ramón González is the protagonist of this story. Galician by birth who became Venezuelan by adoption, although he never forgot his origin and with the money he was earning in the South American country he was buying several vineyards and some more lands in which he worked before emigrating and to which he joined his effort and his memory.

Memory and nostalgia began this path and memory and nostalgia motivated his three sons, Moncho, Etelvino and Javier González Sabucedo, to fulfill their father's dream: to group the vineyards, acquire more and create Ramón do Casar, a 25-hectare winery in Ourense on the banks of the Miño, which has the support of Banco Santander. proudly traditional and heir to Ramón's entrepreneurial spirit. Or in the words of Ramón (Moncho), one of the sons: "My father had the dream of farms and vineyards and we had the dream of a great wine."

In addition to baptizing the winery with the name of their father, the three brothers wanted to offer Ramón and a whole generation of Galician emigrants another tribute that all consumers and customers could see. Thus, they decided to have Alberto Martí, the photographer recognized for his portraits of Galician emigration, to cover the labels of the five varieties of wine produced by the winery with images of that stage that has so marked entire generations of Galicians. A wine to savor and, yes, also remember.

With these wickers (vineyards, actually) and with the experience and professionalism of the winemaker Pablo Estévez, they began the mission of returning to its place the wine of the area, the Ribeiro, often undervalued compared to its closest competitors.

An ambitious goal that could seem complicated but that obtained its greatest reward last year, when its Ramón do Casar Nobre 2020 wine was chosen by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food as the Best Wine in Spain. A recognition of a job well done, effort and dedication.

With this award as an incentive, the future challenges of the winery are faced with redoubled optimism and Ramón do Casar is already planning its expansion and the strategy to follow for international expansion. At this point, in addition, they wanted to acquire a commitment that goes beyond the strategic and that enters the field of the sentimental: to get their wine to Venezuela, where his father found another homeland.

Banco Santander, supporting the agri-food sector

The tireless work of the González Sabucedo family has counted from the beginning with the support of Banco Santander, which joined this story of memory and nostalgia to boost its growth and share goals. Ramón do Casar is one of the more than 425,000 clients in the agricultural sector that he supports in their day to day.

A support that is part of the work that the financial institution has been doing for years so that the agricultural sector goes hand in hand with the changes that every society experiences. With this commitment, Santander has supported the sector by providing more than 4,200 million euros of financing in 2022 alone, which represents an increase of 11% over the previous year. The contracting of the Cosecha Advances, the R + D + I Agro Loan or long-term loans for the transformation of farms to more profitable crops, with a focus on digitalization and sustainability, are some of the most demanded products.

In order to respond to the situations that are generated, the entity has recently announced the implementation of the Drought Loan, which aims to alleviate the complex drought situation that the Spanish countryside is experiencing, while offering solutions to be able to face other climatic adversities such as floods.

A push like the one that has allowed Ramón do Casar to grow from that original dream of the Galician emigrant to his reality of the XXI century: that of a consolidated winery, with a quality wine and that carries out its work in a sustainable way with respect for the land. For this reason, the winery has implemented circular economy processes such as introducing the scrapes, once collected, as fertilizer in the vineyards or selling the seed and skin of the grapes to a distillery for the elaboration of another differentiating element of Galicia: the pomace.

Because we said that the important thing is born of a memory and nostalgia, but it also needs support. That is why Ramón do Casar and Banco Santander are the meeting of success. Those already achieved and, above all, those that remain to be achieved.

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