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Cocaine was found in the West Wing of the White House

Photo: Carolyn Kaster/ AP

According to media reports, a powder found in the White House is cocaine. This was the result of a laboratory test, several US media reported on Wednesday, citing the Secret Service. He is responsible for the security of US President Joe Biden. The suspicious substance was discovered on Sunday in an entrance area in the west wing of the government headquarters in Washington. Biden was not in the White House at the time in question.

How the drug got into the White House was still unclear. The West Wing, where the white powder was discovered, is also accessible to groups of visitors, according to US media. It also houses the president's official workrooms – the Oval Office, the Sitroom briefing room, and conference rooms such as the Cabinet Room and the Roosevelt Room – as well as the offices of the president's senior staff. Hundreds of people work in the west wing of the government headquarters, hundreds are out and about in the corridors. White House staff often gave guests a tour of the West Wing on weekends or evenings.

The substance, which was found in a commercially available ziplock bag, was then taken to a laboratory for examination. Cocaine is considered a party drug and briefly increases the ability to concentrate and performance, makes hunger, fatigue and anxiety disappear. Psychological consequences are also extreme restlessness, anxiety and delusions.

After finding the white powder, the fire brigade expressed the suspicion that it was cocaine. This was the result of an initial test. A corresponding radio message landed on the net and US media reported on it.
