The problem has been that Murhaf Hamid, as an asylum seeker, does not have a Swedish social security number. And without it, by and large, it is not possible to open a bank account.

But Murhaf Hamid's legal representative, Josef Ben Ali, called around to various banks and finally got a response, which Svenska Dagbladet was the first to report.

Record sales of five million

According to the newspaper, it is thanks to the fact that Murhaf Hamid has been so written about in the media and that the bank has been able to verify his identity.

"There are a few exceptions in the banking world. Although the person in question does not have a Swedish social security number, coordination number or other valid identity documents, it may be possible to prove the identity if you are widely known in your local town, says Josef Ben Ali to the newspaper.

Murhaf Hamid's cornflower sales took off at the end of April. Children who sell cornflowers can now also have an online shop under the auspices of Majblomman and it was from there that people all over the country chose to click home needles, brooches and stickers.

In total, sales landed at a record figure of five million SEK.

Helping the family and saving for the future

How does it feel that you will get a lot of money that you can do a lot of things for?

– Fun, and I have helped children, says Murhaf Hamid about now receiving the money from the sale.

Have you thought more about what you want to do for the money?

"Helping my family and stuff. I actually don't know a lot, but at least I want to buy new clothes and shoes and stuff. And I'll also save the money for my future.

Hear Murhaf talk about how it feels in the clip.